New to Octopots and Growing.

I’m just starting my first grow using octopots in couple of weeks. My over all experience in growing is limited to the last 4 months although I do have dated experience growing near Seattle Wa. 25-30 years ago. Just ended my first grow (not in Octopots)with not so good results. :roll_eyes:
I’m in a research mode. This next grow will be much better.

What I have to work with:
5X5 tent,
Medicgrow spectrum X led light.
Octopot 6 X 3g. auto water system with a 13g tank, Getting a 30g.
Whole house water filtration 350 - 400 tds PH 7.7 and RO system for watering. 5 - 15 tds.
Auto flower seeds, Fat bastard, Blackberry moon rocks & White widow.

blkbelt65 [First Octopot Grow!] Really is helping to answer a lot of questions. Very informative. :+1:

Main question on my mind at the moment is the lotus nutrients (have already) and need guidance on feeding with auto water system.
I’m thinking not using Lotus (anyone used Lotus?) this time and switching to Jacks and maxibloom because of all the positive feedback. Decisions, decisions

I defiantly will/have questions.

Thank You


Feeding with an octo is stupidly easy. Just follow the directions on the package and fill the reservoir accordingly.

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I’m not familiar with lotus and have nothing against them but it’s always good to use a well known nutrient, if you have problems there’s plenty of advice.

Your octopot is essentially a capillary set up, ime after you get them up and running you then need to lower the ec.

Initially plants take the nutrient given but after a bit of time the need goes down, there’s no run off to rinse away salt build up so essentially you’re keeping the root zone with diluted nutrient.

I’m test running an autopot atm it works on similar principle but like you it’s been years.
To keep it right I take a sample from the tray, if the ec is more than 0.2/3ec high I lower it, if the ec is lower than input I raise it.

I’m sure I’ve seen others using octopot they’ll be able to help you out better.

Good luck!


What are the npk ratios of lotus ?


There grow 8 4 13


Ohhhh lol
: )


N 7, P15, K19,

Thanks for the replys


That one is fine : )
Buy some pk13/14 to push p and k more as you progress in flower ( raise ppm/ec )
Flower w3-8 , from flip to 12/12

Then buy potash to change ratio in favour of a lot more k but lower total ppm/ec , for finish w9-chop

The grow ratio has low p , p is for roots in that stage


I bought grow, boost, bloom, and cal/mag. @ifish This grow will be all autoflower. Is it true to half everything “less is better” according to octopot’s reading?


I’m not an octopotter or auto grower , but in general brands want you to use more than is needed , plus they like dark green plants ( N )

@Papalag has a feed ppm chart and I think the sativa guide is a good guide for all ( maybe )

What’s boost npk ? Sounds like it could be a pk supliment ?

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1 - 15- 30

Total Nitrogen(N)…1.0%
1.0% Water Soluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5)…15.0%
Soluble Potash (K2O)… 30.0%
Sulfur (S) … 8.0%

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@Papalag is good at this.

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Chart coming up and the sativa side is the lower ppms
I feel the plants like low ppms


I agree with @Papalag on this.

My best Octo grows have been when I kept the ppm in the res at about 500-600ppm.

Every time I pushed it into the 800-1000 range, I end up with unhappy plants.


Better to start low and base adjustments to the plant’s reaction. I’m setting up auto watering. I’m thinking I’ll need to check each pot until I get a feel for this.? I’m an engineer so grey areas drive me insane until I have good understanding of the project. Still have lots to learn about the feeding properly.

Thank you for reply’s.


@Papalag @ifish

Week 4 today. I think they are doing well. Any comments and observations appreciated.

Fat Bastard Auto flower
Using jacks 12/4/16 pinch of Epsom salt
RO water
EC 1.2 ppm 550 PH range 5.6 - 6.1
450 watts of 770. PPF 1288


They look great :+1: who’s the little gal in the front right

Is she far behind the others


Same as the others. except at germination, it struggled and almost didn’t make it. There is a soil difference to. 5 are sungro #4 and the little one got put in coco loco. Ran out of #4 and locally coco loco was it.


She’s struggling

Ph in the reservoir
I keep my ph between 6 /6.3

How long is the plant in the Octopot ?
Some take longer to hit the reservoir



All germinated in less than 24 hours. In Organi plugs about 48 hours then moved to octo’s. They grew so fast, wasn’t sure what to do and when. LOL. PH 5.9 - 6.3 range in reservoir. for the little one. check all every day. Havent had to adjust much.
Thanks for the feed back.