(Newbie)Any tips on building a soil and or Easy feed program

Just like the water bottle companies, they are selling u filtered tap water in a bottle…

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I did a grow with osmocote and promix. Supplement with epsom and molasses twice a month and plants came out decent.
Then did the colts. Plants tasted a lot better.
Then did an equal parts peat perlight compost with epsoma garden tone and my compost was too waterlogged.
So I did 4parts peat 3 air(cinder) 2 compost 1 native soil. Lime chicken manure and supplement feed and soo fat that’s the best for me in 20 gal fabric pots outdoor hawaii

Also doing a grow dots only with recharge and that works well. Similar to promix and osmocote. The native soil mix tho hits a more sticky resin heads and a louder terp profile and taste