(Newbie)Any tips on building a soil and or Easy feed program

Aloha overgrow family. Thanks for all the help. I got a soil recipe from a friend and kind of deviated on the recipe until I can gather all of the amendments(subcool recipe). So I did a 33-33-33 mix
Base is peat moss and lime / aeration is black cinder(hawaii lava rock) and compost from the local green waste mixed with earthworm castings. 3 cu feet each.
I added a 2 cups of
-garden tone from epsoma
-root down from Mother Earth
-alfalfa meal
-kelp meal.
This is just a soil I made to dabble with
To get used to cooking soil. Also reason for growing in soil is mainly because I want to reuse my soil. And also I don’t want to ph my water for dozens of plants. I don’t mind a few but now in Hawaii I’m watering twice a day and it takes a lot out of me. I am just looking for an easier cheaper way. The root down from Mother Earth has a lot of ingredients that was in my friends recipe. I understand everything should be of good to perfect ratios so I don’t have any deficiencies or toxicities. Would I be able to get away with doing the 33-33-33 and just too feeding? My top dress would be feeding the soil making it living correct?
Is fox farm bottle nutes good for this style of grow? Would it hurt my soil? Would gh floranova or gh organic be compatible?
Or just light feed with teas per growth stage? In example bloom ingredients for flower nitrogen teas for veg?
Sorry so much questions I’ve been googling this for a week now. I am currently in promix and gh flora trio. Great results but I think a little more work than a top dress with tap water

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Just my opinion but I wont grow in anything but octopots and TPS1. I use sunshine Mix #4 with the pots. 1/3 of your growing problems will go away.

TPS1 will take you from Veg to Bloom and you dont have to buy a whole bunch of different ferts because it has everything a cannabis plant needs. No more guessing… no more playing chemist… Just grow and harvest. 3 plants will produce about 1.3-1.5 pounds. Seriously consider octopots and TPS1 you wont be disappointed.


Thanks I’ll keep that in mind

TPS1??? SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Aloha mister. What is ss/bw?

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Studying on octopots and tps1. I think that is the way I will go

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Stay Safe/Be Well, so…SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Same thing I said when I came back and did my research. I swear it up and down now. I consult new folks growing in my state that is legal and I drive it home to the point of shut up… Octopots. I have been perfectly Happy with TPS1 and the research I have done and the grows I have done with it shows it is a superior product. They have other things you can use during boost from the same company, signal right before harvest but I have not tested them out yet but plan too. I got a good base line of what tps1 will do by itself. If the booster/snail oil stuff produce extra bud for the cost I am all for it.

Never water from top down… You wont be disappointed… I will shut up now…

Probably referring to S&S Brothers…

My research showed that TPS1 was the way to go with octopots.

If you want easy, cheap and effective look into cover crops / companion crops.

I am topdressing with kitchenscraps (mainly), now and then I add tree leaves, dandelion, grass clippings, thistle, and other “weeds” because they contain lots of minerals, anything with long roots.

Watering with rainwater.

That’s it.

Getting great results for the past few years now from a very small setup.

You don’t need bottled silliness and special amendments from companies that only want your money.

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What is “TPS1”??? Inquiring minds want to know!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Start with this… It is really all you need… you can use it for soil as well… I’m , feeding a outside plant with it as well… looks like a christmas tree…


Personally, my simplest mix is coco, perlite, Grow Dots and Recharge.

Simple and effective. Should note she’s about 3 weeks from harvest in that shot.


SUPER THANKS, gonna check it out, appreciate the info!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So @misterbee did u ever try TPS ONE , and did it work out from veg to bloom, interested in this with and octopot.

I understand buying soil if you are living in the middle of a city. But otherwise, soil is simple and it is everywhere. It seems to me that all these “recipes” for soil that the experts formulate are an attempt to reproduce the forest floor. I have grown literaly thousands of plants in nothing but a hole in the ground with the native soil. Now I admit these were not the beautiful, photogenic plants that you guys grow but the smoke would blow your head off. Please understand that Im not being a dick. I just think that companies are selling us a product that is free and everywhere. :wink:

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I get all my soil from a vacant lot adjacent to a decommissioned gas station.

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So your saying you stopped using the soil at the nuclear power plant?


Yes but I still get my heavy water from there.


Must be growing that new diesel strain I have been hearing about. :rofl:

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