NFL 2020 discussion

The season is about halfway over but I sure would like
to hear what team you root for maybe some more in-depth NFL chat I know a lot of teams are about to rebuilding .

The teams I root for are the Cardinals because they

were the local team when I was a kid I was a huge fan

of the STL Rams and got some great football to watch

in the late 90s because of it my heart was ripped out

when Stan the douche moved them back to the city that

didn’t support them before so I moved my focus to the

other team in state the Chiefs which was good timing I

guess considering Mahomie Mahomes but it’s just

local pride folks not bandwagon fandom anyway I’m

rambling let’s go Chiefs


Black & Yellow since 1979!!! The Illustrious Six Time Super Bowl Smack Down Champions of the World. The Steel Curtain is back in effect! TJ told me last night he would get two sacks today with his helmet on backwards and both shoes on the wrong feet!

(Night before the game at home if I was one of the Watt brothers)
Solowolf - “TJ! What the hell did I do with that lighter that was just in my hand? Did you jack my shit again you little con artist?”
TJ - “You left it on the table next to couch over there stupid.”
Solo - “Oh. You’re stupid. Stupid.”
TJ - “Well, stupid is going to be the defensive player of the year and you can’t find your own lighter dumbass”
Solo - “Oh, I hope you win that trophy so I can take it and bust you in the mouth with it at the ceremony.”
TJ - “That’s why you’re not invited to the ceremony stupid.”
Solo - “Fuck your ceremony.”
TJ - “Whatever dude. Do you have my keys?”
Solo - “Yeah. Do you want to go eat?”
TJ - “Yeah.”
Solo - “Okay well, just stop and buy me papers on the way because I don’t have any cash.”


Bill’s fan. Yeah yeah I know. It’s been a rough life. Lol. But the last couple years have been nice have Beene and McDermott at the helm.

My first roommate was a die-hard bills fan who grew up in buffalo I can still remember his ugly blue bills leather coat :joy::rofl::joy: Roger didn’t give no fucks he loved the Bills come Sunday used to call my Rams the Lamb’s

Yeah we are ruthless. But 4 superbowl losses in a row really traumatized us who were there.

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Yeah I never met anyone who hated the cowboys more than Roger :joy::rofl::joy: he used to call them the crackhead cowboys


I still hate them with ever part of my soul.

Yeah the only thing worse was when the Patriots became the new America’s team it’s like being the Yankees in football most of your fan base just buys your stuff for fashion no idea who’s on the team but it’s there team lol

That said I owned several cowboys hats shirts in the mid nineties bulls stuff too you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing it back then


Man I wish I still had all my Bill’s and Phoenix suns starter jackets. And my lite blue shaq jersey.

Shit all that 90s stuff is money now

I wish I still had my serial killers and skate stuff

The pullover though I had a notre dame one


I remember the Notre dame pullover man. I had one too. The dark blue and glod!!! Wheeew that was a badass jacket. Lol. What happened to the world?

I place the start of the downfall at reality TV it was a real quick spiral outward afterwards

I really wish I had those old school jordan hats my mom worked with some vietnamese during the 90s and they would have that shit sent over in containers all real stuff the nike tag would just be cut in two :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy: didn’t realize as a kid but those vietnamese folks had a hell of a hustle going on

All I have to say is the black and gold baby! 8-0!!!

I had a dope head follow me around in a Walgreens a couple years back saying big ben big ben I know that’s you dog :sweat_smile: I didn’t know what he was talking about then my brother said well you do kind of look like ben if he got hit with an ugly stick :rofl::joy:


I’m curious where’s them niners fans from last season at ?

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Dunno where those 9ers fans are…Raider fan here!!! Your Chiefs looking like strong front runners this year, don’t think we’ll be able to clip them when they come to Vegas…Just north of u @TheShowMeHomie in Dead Moines…Rock on brother!!!


Not gonna lie the fact that the raiders moved to Vegas scares the hell out of me that vegas money is gonna buy championship’s


Niners fan here. Still strong. Been a fan since way back so this is nothing new


#51 is my little cousin Roy Lopez Jr. aka Jacob to the family. He was a projected 5th round pick last year and is having a good start to the season despite their record. Football is an obsession for us as a family and we are super proud of this guy. Don’t ask about the hair. His Nana is a hairdresser and she hates it.