Non Cannabis Merchant Accounts

Should the removal of cannabis seed from Schedule 1 treatment affect any financial relationships with financial institutions? I say it should and that seed sellers and breeders should benefit from the same banking services as the neighborhood 7/11. Where seeds could probably be sold.


I’m not sure that’s a hot take on a growing forum :laughing: Unfortunately the idiots in control of changing that stuff aren’t here. You are right though that if they are effectively legal now then there is absolutely no reason vendors should be prohibited from conventional financial services.

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Visa doesn’t give AF if something is legal or not. If it presents any legal/chargeback/or public relations risk they will shut it down. That goes especially for online business. Brick & Mortar often get a pass somehow, my guess is the store owners code it as another product.

Visa cares a FA for the things they help make happen to be legal. You can take that to the bank. Plenty of 420 Friendly banks in Michigan. Need one for compliance in the licensed commercial business. I have found for seed sellers you need to ask and financial institutions will know a way to make it happen. Growing is a different animal. But still there are ways in our Michigan law to have profitable commercial activity associated with the non commercial private cultivation of the herb.

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