Got the Letter (surprise)

After waiting for over three weeks for a package to clear customs, it arrived empty with the exception of the letter. Those who have received the letter know of what I speak, I seek advice on how to proceed. Should I avoid overseas purchases? Will future purchases be “highlighted” for inspection in the future?

Good Growing ya’ll


That’s horrible, sorry to hear. What country are you in? I’ve never had a problem. :us:

US of A …

Shit man sorry. I haven’t placed any intl orders for a while as there as so many good breeders here. What bean bank, if you want to share that info.


Just toss the letter, but yeah, I don’t order from overseas anymore.

No reason really to do so anymore, more than enough stuff here in the US.


Man that is a shame. There are tons of good seed banks in the USA. No need to order international anymore


Was the letter US or country of origin?

It made it to US

I have read a few here say they took the letter and got their seeds back.

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Been there man and it sucks!


Truly? That takes some cajones.

Seems as if has ti be declared if you stand a chance at getting it back, and you might have to pay a fine.

"Some plants, cuttings, seeds that are capable of propagation, unprocessed plant products and certain endangered species are allowed into the United States but require import permits and other documents; some are prohibited entirely. Threatened or endangered species that are permitted must have export permits from the country of origin.

Every single plant or plant product including handicraft items made with straw, must be declared to the CBP officer and must be presented for CBP inspection, no matter how free of pests it appears to be. For information on importing plants or plant products visit the Plant, Organism and Soil Permits page."


Email the seller a picture of the letter, most will reship. I’m the future stick with US seedbanks. There’s plenty of them mostly with better gear than EU/UK counterparts too. Seedsherenow, North Atlantic seed co, dcseedexchange, neptune seed bank. All US based all reliable there’s a bunch more I haven’t used so I can’t speak to their reliability. I’ve had stuff intercepted from Europe before it’s super annoying but otherwise not something to stress.


Yeah lesson learned. Already sent request for refund. Gonna stick with Us for now. Have been using Dcse. Any other recommendations?

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dude start making connections with people already growing what you want. dude posted a pic of Wedding Cake i liked, messaged him, sent me seeds. Also is kickass for that stuff


I’ve used Multiverse Beans 3 times this year, and they are excellent.

They have tons of stuff, Ace Seeds, Bodhi etc.


can i ask which overseas seller, so we can be aware of it in the future? i’ve ordered a handful of times from international and they’ve all made it to me. i believe all of those shipments have used stealth shipping though. maybe if the seeds are packaged and clearly seen as seeds, they will be flagged and withheld?

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happened to me once ordering some seeds from the states to Canada. Some seedbanks will resend but not all

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This is my go to bank, best freebies in the business.
They are in my home state, michigan.


Me too! They are in my county in Michigan.


What I don’t get is: Marijuana seeds and their sales are NOT
illegal in the USA… So why the confiscation eh?
Seeds have no THC… I mean, you can buy poppy seeds on ebay…
Bummer for your hassles, but they tend to recognize certain shippers