Not a Grow Diary – Ace Zamaldelica Fem

The way I look at it is this . . . if trip weed existed; I surely would have run across it in 50 years of smoking. The concept of trip weed seems to have surfaced in the last decade and a lot of what you might read is reminiscing from old-timers who view that era with rose-coloured glasses or young guys who want it to be true. Pot is great but if you want to trip, you have to look elsewhere imho. Mushrooms are the most approachable true psychedelic and usually the easiest to obtain. Hell, I have a gram in my drawer that someone gave me. With my age and current level of decrepitude, I may never eat them but I like having them there just in case I get the urge.


Thank you, sir . . . :slightly_smiling_face:

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clearly, thank you

You are welcome, Lance.

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I know I’m a bit behind with this but dang that Grinspoon looks gorgeous. I know it was probably a pain to manage but man she’s pretty.

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I ended up with 25 oz (711 grams) of scraggly dried bud with teeny tiny trichs. It is weak but everyone that I have given some to loves it’s mild uplifting buzz. I made some bubble with a bunch and the return was crazy low but the hash is actually very good.

I might have to grow the damn thing again - but in a far more controlled fashion next time. :roll_eyes:

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I keep hoping one day I will find regulars of Grinspoon but I think that may be a pipe dream.

Still that is one of the prettier specimens I have seen. I’ll keep an eye out for next time if you do another run so I can take notes.

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