Nuke mites without mercy

Well I received a clone that was exposed to mites and I knew that going in. I dipped it in Floramite and Tetrasan the moment it arrived and two days later repeated with Forbid. Still have Avid held back for a couple weeks from now if need be but I’m thinking I pretty much nuked them from orbit in a quarantined area in garage. Today Nature’s Good Guys showed up with special blend predator mites and Hypoaspis Miles as well and I hung sachets and sprinkled on all plants and moms in my grow but this lady got a bunch of it. Overkill I’m sure and in a week plus she should be cleared to join the garden. I can see predators with my naked eyes on upper leaves searching for a meal. Last night I put a leaf under the microscope and saw absolutely no movement anywhere on leaf or plant. Think the pesticides did what they were supposed to do. But predators are the clean up crew if needed. She has had a rough week but if the borg get through this I will be stunned. A few weeks down the road cuts for new mom’s pesticide free for the future clean growing.
I got mites and PM a few years back from my own shortcut on quarantining new arrivals. Once. Never again, she look’s pretty beat up but I can see she will be fine in no time and clean of any pests.


Hope it’s a really good clone!

You threw the kitchen sink at her, hope that’s it! Can you keep the temps in the quarantine area cool? Slows those little shit heads way down.

Good luck!


Well temps are up and down and about low 70’s but its getting warmer here. If there are any left id just as soon keep it warm enough to make them pop if there are ANY left alive or eggs that have not been melted to mush.
Its a MAC1.

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One of the best cuts in the business , he will make her work just fine.


Check out @JoeCrowe’s Protocol Zero thread for another approach.

PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants" - #154 by mistergrafik

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No thanks. So sick of his verbal diarrhea he has to always be right and life is easier with the ignore button

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Now that made me howl with laughter! :rofl: When I told him spraying poison on his plaNTS wasn’t acceptable, he took that personally. OF course, I did give him a turd.

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Whoopsies! I wasn’t aware that drama lurked here.

I’ve used Protocol Zero successfully on a cut I knew was nasty. Worked for me fine.


No drama. Just ignored. I am pretty sure it’s clean and will continue to watch it until I feel safe bringing it inside. If possible I’d like to keep it outside like this until I can get at least 3 viable cuttings for my next round end of June early July. Depends on weather and how it grows. I know from past experience MAC1 is a very slow veg plant but first things first and total eradication is top priority.

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