Nutrient concentrations

for ppm there are at least two scales the 500 and the 700

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Parts per million in the water are the same in Chicago, Paris and Sydney, the problem comes while converting them to EC, as pH pen manufacturers use different scales. If we all just use ppm there wouldnā€™t be any problem ā€¦ :sunglasses:


There are 3 that I am aware ofā€¦ using ppm is definitely simpler and more relevant to measure in question, although EC is a handy proxy.


hereā€™s the ironacle part right. Each one of those measurements are calculated from EC which is a conductivity reading. In chemistry class you just had a cheap ass meter with 2 electrodes. Thing is, none of that equipment measured in ppmā€¦cause thatā€™s not a ā€œrealā€ measurement. Do you see what Iā€™m saying?


Iā€™ve used remo as directed with great results

Edit: wow didnā€™t realize how old this thread was

Iā€™ve added Canna boost and doubled the astroflower and now am seeing significant improvement.

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