High EC tap water

My tap water has an EC of 450 . How much of a problem will this be growing in coco or will it be a problem ?


When we had water like that, most of the time no problems. But it would go up sometimes, and my plants simply did not like it. It killed more than a few before I realized it was our nasty tap water.(and yet, it’s ok for us to drink you say?)
Thankfully, our well water is 54ppm now, and man do they love it. :+1:


I don’t drink it , but it would make life easier if I could use it for my plants . I’ve started a coco grow already and just found out what my starting EC is . Should have checked it before hand . My bad . :disappointed:


They may be ok. It’s going to depend on what is causing it to be so high.
Ours was rust, and it was just not good …lol


If I had to guess I would say calcium , but not sure . So far they look good . Hope they stay that way .


I think most water departments issue an annual or biannual water quality report. If yours does, that will tell you what you need to know.


Without knowing what those 450 PPM are made of, we cannot tell. You should be able to find a water report from your area. That could help you figure it out. Problem is, like @MysteryMoog said, often it changes with the season causing all types of issues.


Thanks for the responses . Going see what I can find out .

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Is your tap water coming directly from a Nuclear reactor? :rofl:

I’m pretty sure you are talking about PPM’s and not EC.

You could buy an RO system for cheap on Ebay and not worry about your tap water quality anymore.


Hard water ain’t no thang. It is probably mostly calcium.

Mine is about 400. Use a nutrient lighter in Calcium/Magnesium. I like Dyna-Gro, there is also GH Hardwater Flora.

And toss the cal/mag, you definitely won’t be needing it haha.


I think someone around here told me we have hard water . I just looked at the water report for my area but I don’t understand it . lol .Ive been using the regular GH Flora with Cal Mag . Oh No !

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No , I’m talking about EC .

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Funny you mention that, I just noticed that my water report shows 1 PPM of Uranium? :exploding_head:

My report shows the total TDS is 261 PPM. Most of it is calcium (55 PPM) and calcium bicarbonate (96 PPM), but very little magnesium (5.2 PPM). It does have a fair amount of silica (23 PPM) though. I also have a bunch or chloride (37 PPM) and sodium (24 PPM) which can lead to issues.


You could always post the juicy numbers, I am sure someone here could make sense of it.

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Which EC meter are you using?

No way a hydroponic EC meter could read that high.


2019 Annual Drinking Water System Quality Report
(443.9 KB)


Guess that didn’t work

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My hydroponic ec meter reads that high…and allot higher.
The question is, what meter do you have that can’t read that high???

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Dont know what to tell you . My target EC is 1200 . Sooooo

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I use PPM: 0.05 and the conventional EC ( . ) for hydroponics. I see you guys use the non conventional EC.