Nutrient deficiency guide from MDPI open access science article

So I saw this article today when cruising the literature and thought this would be a nice addition for new growers. There are pictures for single nutrient deficiencies in plants and this experiment was conducted by a good group with good methods. Ive done this same thing with other plants in plant physiology and plant nutrition classes/labs.

The article is open access so free to read. Here is a screenshot of the article if the link doesn’t work. Just go to Google scholar and search the name and it should bring it up.

If anyone thinks this is more appropriate in a different category please feel free to move it. But I’d like to make sure all the new OGers got some good info at their disposal!!!

@moderators I wonder if there is value in pinning this to the top of the forum? The resources available here at OG are tremendous, but this could be useful!!

Edit to add: not sure why I threw the bud shot in…but please enjoy!! Its Notorious THC from humboldt seed


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Examples of what specific deficiencies look like preHarvest