Oak hardwood flooring

just an off chance that someone may be looking for some tongue and groove oak hardwood flooring, door and window trim, and baseboard. i’m just contacted the home builder’s association to see so it may end up leaving soon, thought i’d offer it here first.


Hard outta likes.

That’s a very generous offer. Is it from that house you talked about in a different thread? (I really hope I’ve got that right, that it was you.) Perhaps the DIY thread? Seems like I might have commented on the base. Good job!


yes it is, and it isn’t really that generous considering it’s either have someone use it or watch it get thrown away. i can’t stand to see that happen and that damned floor is holding me up from getting the rest of the house down.


Outta likes.

I so totally understand, having torn down a couple of houses for the lumber by myself. Gotta do what you’ve gotta do. Good luck!


I am sure it would cost more to ship than it would cost. I would have loved to get it.
I would tear out the flooring I just laid.

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if you have a truck and trailer i’ll save it for you. even put you up for the night, feed ya, and share smoke with ya.

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