Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

That’s interesting :thinking: mostly tops lol

Ok something new to keep track of

I’m holding up on sending cuts out till I root everything I have just in case I need the cuts

I honestly have to say this rarely happens
But now it just may be because of my choice of cuts lol


99% that’s it

You can see the excess rootin hormones in plant workin up from bottom ie the stem nubs

Something to watch as different strains / phenos show different patterns and numbers etc etc

I find them interesting to look at

: )


The age of mum plays a part too , as older the mum , the more rootin hormones have built up in lower branches , more nubs and they have built up progressed further up in stem etc
Humidity down low also effects how pronounce nubs are
I wonder if smaller pots for mums would help push more rootin hormones up into lower plant ?


Moms are young in small pots

10cm x 10cm x 15 cm roughly


@Jim sounds like you need to use bag or dome to get turgor back
Humidity too low , cuts can’t uptake amount needed to stay ridged in that rh with that amount of plant mass , or remove some leafs so they transpire less


That could be it. I haven’t tried to root any since it was the driest part of winter. I have some going in my 70% humidity mother tent right now and they seem to be doing good so far


Heat mat on for about one hour it raised the humidity
Now they look happier


Propagators are cheap : )


Must have been a rh problem then paps
Looks like you got the balance back and all is right now

I always panic and dread when it comes time to open vents
See if there’s any fallers the next day , indication of none or extremely tiny little roots if any
Always a big moment for me the vent opening thing

At very start when I first put them in prop vents closed , the next day I look , if I see one or two struggling wilting I will remove a big leaf , this is usually enough to bring them back , balance corrected

: )


WC is still a little droopy but alive

They should turn around soon

Go figure it’s been hot but rh may have been too low so no heat mat
But I opened all vents and look what happened

80 degrees Fahrenheit
And you think you don’t need a heat mat lol
Well the cuts like it hot and humid


If the cuts go limp while trying to clone, most likely your humidity is too low.


If it gets too hot paps , turn mat off remove a leaf and close vents


I also have mat on a timer goes on and off

Every 20 minutes


Drill a hole in prop lid and tightly squeeze in the probe of a habistat temp controller and connect to mat , set and forget , I like the dimming thermostat habistat but you have to check it still works with low power of mat only , secondhand eBay , mine is connected to mat and small oil fired rad
: )


I love Lemon G @Papalag had it years ago when dispensaries here in San Diego were good and bought and sold locally grown flower…never could find it again…hopefully can grow it one day. Sorry about your herm issues, glad you enjoyed your walk/puff


i have been taking more clones than i need and tossing out the rest or giving them away because i been having same issues but i find different houses even have such diff results where my nephew has central air that kills the hhumidty takes longer than my place with no ac, its annoying af and i see im not alone.


Thanks for the advice! I think I’m going to get a propagator like @ifish was saying. I bought one a few years ago but it was way too short so I threw it out. I was having success at the time so I just forgot about getting a new one


ah for sure I hear ya! I had that happen for awhile where my room was apparently just right to clone out in the open and then I think winter hit and RH dropped and nada. Had to pick up some clone dome’s to get it done. I’ve seen clear solo cups and/or tuperware containers you don’t mind putting a couple holes in, work pretty well in a pinch though.


Getting stupid lol

My cloning skills are at a stand still
ICC and WC looks sad once more
My fault opened the vents way too early
So Added 2 more cuts to play safe

I changed all trays with fresh happy frog as a base
Closed vents to raise humidity

I think I’m finally going buy that cloner now


This is really pisses me off but if you don’t have any issues you probably not growing lol

So new plan

Buy cloner
Take all new cuts
Try again
Currently cuts in the back are like 22 days old no roots
The ICC and WC cuts taken today
Tahoe and chuckys bride like 12 days

New seed projects

Chuckys bride x wedding cake 3 cracked and are in dirt
Chuckys bride f4 2 cracked and in dirt