Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

if it makes your growing easier im all for it. just know cloners come with there own problems and learning curves. but im sure your doing your due diligence.
try looking on facebook market place or craigslist if your in a market thats been legal awhile sometimes you find killer gear for cheap

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All right,all right, all right!!!
Let’s start with a puff :dash: and a smile :blush:

Smoken some white rhino mixed with cap junky just so happens they got mixed up on the tray oh well

Clones still alive but no roots

The good news
2 chuckys bride f 4 are above dirt
And 3 chuckys bride x wedding cake all above dirt

So we wait for clones to root before we start again


How hot does it get?


I’ve seen 101 in there
I really hate growing in the summer

How you been buddy
Good to read you


Doing better. Still having a few problems. Getting better. Always good seeing you.


Ok clones they suck

So I took all new cuts except for like 2

And now back to my basic clones 101

New cuts :ballot_box_with_check:
Soaked cuts 1 hour :ballot_box_with_check:
Rapid rooters soaked squeeze out and hole enlarged :kissing_heart::ballot_box_with_check:
Cut’s dipped in clonex gel :ballot_box_with_check:
Solo cup filled 1/2 with moist soil happy frog :ballot_box_with_check:
Plastic bag for a dome :ballot_box_with_check:
Spray inside of bag :ballot_box_with_check:

For some reason i changed things up last attempt
I realized the heat Matt dried them out and basically killed them
I am attempting to save 3 that looked the best we shell see


oh no, never use a heat mat on clones seedlings yes I mean seeds but not on clones it kills them


It actually perked them up at first with the humidity them it went too far lol :joy:
Damn stupid rookie mistake


I dont have a temp readout on my heat mat… i caught on real quick what was too much.

@Jetdro perhaps your location that you have such luck without?

I’m no cloneing expert by any means, iv had my issues. But hell, almost seems regional of late.

Im also about to take a few more cuts, i’ll get that 91 to ya if it’s the last thing i do. She’s been vegging in a tent and will be ready soon.


Interesting, I always use a heat mat for clones set to 80°. My cloning mojo does come and go, so there’s that ,lol!

I rotate methods to shake it up when one starts failing. Right now I’m back with ice tubes.

All but 2x of these rooted in 10-21 days… got tired of waiting for the stagglers

Vermiculite in the tubes set in a tub of water in a flat on a mat :joy:

The 4x I kept. A couple of days ago.


Simple is always a good answer - I’ve had great luck with basically doing that just no clonex and using the dome top. Low levels of light (I’ll cover the top with cardboard or something if it’s under strong lights) and time. Takes me 2 weeks or a bit more usually but they almost always root… even picky ones like TK.


Hi all good morning :sunny:
It’s sunny 85 degrees and we got no power

So it’s heating up here


Good morning @Papalag. Sorry to hear you got no power. Hopefully that gets suited soon for you.


Storms take power down at your place? Or did you forget to pay the bill? :rofl: Just joking @Papalag. Hope they get you back up and running soon!!! :green_heart: :100:


lol I had to check lol
No power down in the neighborhood
Should be back soon according to the power gods


Man that sucks @Papalag … I hope that is fixed and better man !!

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Well finally seeing roots both chucky bride and Tahoe rooted oh yeah
Happy dance :man_dancing:


Did you pay your electric bill yet? (completely joking) :rofl: :rofl: Glad you got some rooting going on!


Electric bill paid :thinking::ballot_box_with_check::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Can’t wait to see your new ones pushing in some octos. :green_heart: