Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

So you keep your 4 to 6 favorite strains on one plant under one light and just keep cutting the clippings. Ha that’s awesome.

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Yeah that was the plan but it got too big to handle lol
So I hit the whole thing with pollen lol


Heat is always an issue in the summer

I try not to flower it’s just not worth the hassle at all
Veg is so much easier in the heat less stress

So I’m hoping to veg for 4 more weeks and then flip like the 1 st week or so in sept

Day time temperatures may just me a bit more manageable

Switched up the schedule a bit
There day time starts now at 3 in the afternoon till 9 am no lights during the really hot part of the day

Don’t you just love summer lol


I have the solar system 550 and yeah the light heights are almost impossible in a tent with octopots. I jist ordered a gorilla tents that gives me a addition 8" in height over a AC infinity but still far away from recommended distance. My first grow in a 2x4 I had plant tops like 8" from the light lol. Do you have the controller? I really like the ablitly to change the light spectrums and program a entire grow .


No i don’t have one unfortunately

Not in the budget lol as of yet

The ceiling hight and the heat is why I got rid of the tent

But i really like this light it’s a workhorse and well made


There’s a sale going on right now and you can also use a discount code grow20 . Just ordered another solarsystem 550.

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One thing I do to make sure the turbo method works perfect, is I use an old wooden chopstick and push down after puting water in. This forces the drainage down and not sideways. Hope this helps.


It’s a great deal just out of my budget right now besides the wife would definitely retaliate
You spend 500 I spend 500
So the light is now 1000 no I’ll unfortunately need to abstain lol


Thanks great idea

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Love all the ideas @Tiger

What about just planting with puck deep in octo so just above net pot and as plant grows keep topping up / fill octo

With the odd dab of clonex on stem as you fill up

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There’ like 51cm of dirt above the net pot that’s a bit of a distance to grow

I firmly believe you need to transplant clones at 1st sign of roots to get the roots to the reservoir


Be fun tho : )

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Yeah :+1: it’s always fun to watch an see lol :joy:
We may end up with a 2 kilo plant :seedling:

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Only one way to find out

Start now and it might be ready to flip come end September lol or October

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Net filling in nicely

Left half is bit bigger then the other

Small tent has ice cream cake still small


Ok this can only happen to me

I have a 27 gallon tote with a lid ( which was no on the tote ) as a reservoir!
And after filling a 5 gallon bucket from it to fill the Octopot I noticed something swimming around its f&$€£ tadpoles ! Little baby frogs !
I dumped the water out side
We have a lot of frogs in our area
Some may have made their way into the reservoir of my Octopots
Now its almost impossible for me to empty everything the plants are all in place in the scrog net
I feed with salts at 700 ppms and I added a small amount of bleach to each Octopot but I don’t know what to even think :thought_balloon: i wow
I could use a siphon to empty each one but do you think that would help if there in the reservoir?

What do you think I should do
Just leave it alone
Or empty each reservoir of the Octopots


I don’t think they will do harm but if they die in Rez , that might turn Rez abit funky quicker

That’s a first I ever hear that haha sorry for laughing but that’s mental lol


I’m trying to think of a frog joke to lighten the mood , anyone got one ?


@ifish its crazy right
This is my luck crazy shit


Can you cut out the net and put a new one in?

I promise I’m not laughing