Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

Cool if it’s cardboard it will get wet and rot eventually so why remove it ?
Lol roots would eventually go through it

Good morning my friend

And of course all you OG’s


Morning paps : )

I remember someone saying that the roots didn’t go thru them peat pressed pots and they had to tear them up abit , why I thought plastic and just slide out
A fast acting biodegradable tube would be great , like it degrades in two weeks

Cannazym might help speed up process


A tube from a paper towel roll ? Just my work lol


You just may be on to something


The plastic tube gives you mor control tho
Tube is gone when you want it to


Son of a !!! :flushed::flushed::eyes::clap::clap::clap::clap: Holy octopot batman!!!

This has gotten to be a way bigger operation than before… damn dude you are primed up!!!

Looking nice and organized and mad scientist!! All in 1! :grin: I love it! How’s it going ?

Ever use those uvbs.?

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No never tried UVBS

All is well here at the homestead

Quite we like quite :crazy_face:

Ty for the kind words


U been busy!

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Just a bit

Sad day I lost my lemon g clone I don’t have a back up
So time to search out another sativa

Photo time


Awwww that sucks man! Good luck on the new search!!


Yes premature de- dome- a-fa-ca-tion
lol a new technical term
Death due to lack of humity lol

Fried like a piece of fried chicken :poultry_leg:


De dome a facation… say that 3 times fast lol

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My mac1 sisters i noticed leaves burnt on the top
Its heat due to my 500 watt light
So i redirected an intake to pump fresh air to the area

I aimed 1 fan just above the light and one below and more air movement on top of the canopy

It should do the trick if not I may move the plant to a different spot


This is one of those stoner moments lmmfao

When in doubt read the spec sheet

I only have this light 4 maybe 5 years
The California lightworks 500
I’ve always kept it at a distance of 20 to 24 inches or 50 to 60 centimeters above the canopy

Well the manufacturer states to keep Vegetative – Between 35 and 48 Inchesfrom canopy top. Flowering – Between 21 and 39 Inches from canopy top. No wonder why the leaves on the top of the mac are getting crispy
Funny it’s the only one that gets affected by the light that way most strains love it

Manual states at 16 inches from the canopy is equivalent to 800 watts and at 24 inches your at 500 I never seen this before
This light is very strong and well built
Now that I said that it most likely will break down lol



Who reads instructions ???
I don’t

Boringgggggggggg lol


Are you kidding me? You can have more than one strain in a single plant.?

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Sure I grafted 6 different strains to 1 mom

It was a fun project but the mom got out of hand

I would do it again

But next time first grow out a plant and manifold style shape it to have 16 mains and at harvest graft a cut to each branch that would give you 16 different strains on one plant lol crazy :crazy_face: shit

I thought you may be able to keep it small no way
If you could keep it small then if you needed to move 1 plant an go lol


I’ve never seen that before either… that’s strange specs right there lol… but it makes sense kinda

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They anything under 400 watts can comfortably stay at 16 to 24 inches but go above and they get hot as f

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