Octopots big and small and assorted tomfoolery

All looking great pops

When you putting Mac in flower ??

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Looking awesome Paps!! The one post the PWC pic didn’t post so I downloaded it… wow. I may sprout a few of those today, lol…

Hey I got all Fooped up recently so I’m about ready to roll for my first ever Octopot grows. I need to start the seeds so, I have a while before I start them.

I have the starter pack with the two veg and two bloom nutes, with the sweetener. @misterbee Bought one and they sent another order to a friend. Since he did that, I decided to invest in the rest (it was also 30% off), getting a gallon of the mist and the PH Up/Down. So, this will be my first time to use liquid ferts in a reservoir. It’s gonna be fun!

When I get close I’ll be picking your brain for things I should be aware of or any other tips.

Keep growing them big!! peace


I’m going to let them get big

In 2 weeks I’ll flip the room
By then pwc should be finished , then frankie will have 3 weeks left I’ll fit her in the big room and all macs in the smaller Octopots or fab bags will get stuffed in the small tent till they get too big to handle

Its going to get crowded in here I stopped counting how many are in there lol


Bro she’s a beauty to grow and worth the time

As always, if you ever need any help, let me know I’ll be more than happy advice is free and I’m full of it


Good call let them get big as you can . She won’t go very wide and doesn’t stretch that much , maybe 85 percent not a double.

Been looking at your runs . We tend to do it differently . I think I’m gonna make a run like you do .

I tend to run a big tent of same plants where you tend to run many more varieties in smaller numbers .

I’m sitting here with 2 unbelievably good stash’s that I LOVE TO SMOKE

Yet I want something different already , lol

You know the deal .

Thinking I got too many seeds , need to do something about it and run a PApalag free for all


This foop stuff I bought a small bottle and I am impressed I’ll try there cloning gel next

Not sure if I want to try the liquid fertilizer
I just got use to jacks it’s hard to train and old dog new tricks
I’ll watch and see how they do


To many seeds so little time

That’s why I’m hesitant to keep moms . I like variety way too much and mom’s kind of make me have to grow them but I started to see I like certain strange at certain times of the day and I feel like a 5 key ones around and with my set up now I could throw another five varieties in just to keep it interesting


I bought one bottle of the mist and a 59 refill concentrate .

The spray bottle leaked at the head . Sprayed way too much and burned my plants first application .

I emailed them and told them such

They instantly mailed me back . Asked if I intended to use the concentrate to make fresh mist bottles .

Said yea

They said NO . It’s meant for commercial applications from sprayers. Will not hold in suspension over a few hours , goes bad and stinks .

I mail back…… gee , don’t say that on website , might be nice to put that on there , was concentrate Mist , one would assume it is used to refill the Mist spray bottle.

Without asking they refunded the 59 bucks for the concentrate and sent me 2 bottles of Mist in spray , and a big ass refill ready to use Mist bottle to refill from!!!

Yeah!!! Amazing huh !!!

I have their cloning gel , nothing special , works no better than my Clonex . Sticks better on the stems but roots no better in the 25 I’ve done with it .

The Mist is cool . Use it for about any issue . Takes an amazingly small amount to work RIGHT . I now have a three year supply and it cost me 29 bucks including the gel !!

Cool company .

I just pulled down my most beautiful harvest ever . JACKS FLAT WORKS when we do our part . It just does . I see absolutely no need in even looking at anything else. I add nothing to it , I couldn’t be happier . Pretty much thanks to @ifish , I don’t even look at any numbers anymore. The plant shows all that is needed to grow it well, all the rest is nonsense and a waste of my time . I just got 50 lbs of their 5 12 26 for 50 bucks at a store. The ratio kicks ass under the leds during flower , I can’t ask for more . I’m seeing trichs stand out weeks 4 and 5 and full on coverage by 8 . Jacks lacks nothing . I know you love your add ons , but to me every damn one is snake oil . I’m gonna kiss , and run 1 part jacks period in flower .


I’m rather happy with how my plants have been since I had my water tested and plugged the numbers in Peter’s professional. 15-5-15 is working for me.

@Papalag plants are lovely, sir.



It seems like a win win jacks and my Octopots
They love it :heart_eyes:
I use 20/20/20 in veg
10/30/20in week 3 thru 5 ish of flowering
Week 6/7 equal parts 10/30/20 & 5/12/26
Weeks 8 till finish 5/12/26 and taper down as the weeks pass

Thanks for stopping by SAK


exactly as i do, works, why change it?


Hay all OG’s
Well today, I decided to rearrange the grow room and change it into flower. I didn’t believe how much room I got. I was able to put five full size octopots , in a row.( no room between them lol hehehe :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I moved Frankie, port wine cheese, out of the small tent, and into the big room. Frankie took up the whole corner.

The small tent will now go into veg , and I will up pot
2 Mac into the mini Octopots

I’ll keep the small tent in veg maybe 4 weeks
Frankie should be done by then

Up above moms still no roots some have been in there 14 days today

How dose it look :eyes: a bit crowded lol

I’ll see if I can squeeze 1 or 2 more somewhere

I may need to hang a small led strips or two to help
Them a bit
@Jetdro , @ifish
Brothers I can squeeze 10 total big Octopot all touching each other :thinking: not



I have run them touching , gets crowded but can do it .

More is always better , lol


Pwc is done in a week there’s some space ! Then Frankie is a 9 week finish time and she’s at least week 5.5 so maybe 4 weeks
Then that back corner will be done so I can spread them out a bit
The little tent will flip in like 2 maybe 3 weeks I’ll bring 2 of them into the big room

Let’s hope this doesn’t get way too big lol

I also can rotate some or the smaller ones around for better light penetration

It’ll be fun anyway


Looking good papa!

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@blkbelt65 ty brother

Feed Frankie today using jacks 10/30/20 1/2 teaspoon and 1/2 teaspoons of 5/12/26 plus 1/8 teaspoon of Epson salts and a teaspoon of molasses to 2 gallons of water total ppms =697
And ph 6.26

Also all plant’s newly put into flower , I pruned and defoliated a bit ( oh no he defoliated) at this stage I removed all branches that will not amount to anything as well as leaves under the skirt so to speak

After hair cut

Also I was using the training clips
They are great but one thing I found
Once bend is established you should remove the clip the branches get fat and you may break the limbs ( they gave me trouble removing them some branches where fat as f )



You have to watch cuz where bend is created it becomes thicker too as it heals so clips may act like turneka if left on too long


Considering how fired up about defoliating everyone gets, I feel this meme should be legally required when you say something like that…



Fuck the no defol crowd…you did right thing. Things that will not make the canpoy are not worth growing. Seen a few here say" Even though light is not directly on them, the lowers are good". NOT in my tent they arent!!! Soft, light green loose…they gotta go.

Looking good in there old man…


Yeah they can be a problem , I just need to be ahead of it

@Jetdro damn right leave us leaf pluckers alone

@Cormoran now that’s not only funny but appropriate considering all the stupid arguments over picking a few leaves