Octopots big and small and assorted tomfoolery

The non defol guys are the ones that are pretty layed back , that’s the nature of their game lol


Precisely so @Papalag. Tacitly Concluded and Succinctly Stated!

That’s my nute program too, and a major HatTip to @Jetdro for laying it out. Simple, intuitive and efficacious.

Fact: If you grow in octos, and you follow that nute schedule, and apply an ample flood of photons, and keep VPD in the guardrails, AND let your plants talk to you as adjustments are needed, you will reap a satisfying harvest.

Glad to BE OG together!
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Papa… what is you schedule for using molasses in the octos?

thx man

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When I use molasses it’s normally weeks 5/6/7 once the reservoir is empty I will do my mix about 2 gallons per Octopot only a teaspoon of molasses per 2 gallons with my feed , I only fill to the 1 st level and l let it empty before I refill ( I’m always worried about it turning to alcohol)

I will use it once a week during this stage
Not only because it’s a major benefit to the plants but also they will drink it up quickly at this stage !

It works for me


@GrouchyOldMan you also need to give credit to @ifish , who had a major hand in this development also if we never met @Gardenartus we may not have never tried the Octopots at all

Also this recipe is so easy to tweak using jacks to reach desired npk ratios

And we each take this recipe to a different level

I add cal mag and Epson salts and some bloom boosters
Where as others don’t
Very flexible
And this schedule along with the ppm schedule
Seems to be magic



Agreed, enthusiastically!

There’s a long list of OG octo wizards deserving our thanks. We should make an Honor Role.

PS, let’s not forget @firehead who showed all of us micro-poddlers what could be done with a one gallon plastic box!


Another happy Octopot + Jack’s grower here! In veg I add CalMag and silica, but otherwise keep it simple. I’ve converted a couple local gardeners to the same system after they saw the results I’m getting.


Anyone ever use the Foop line of nutes in their Octo?

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Looks like a good time man. Props


@Gardenartus Started us all on the Octo journey. Without HER, none of us would be doing what we do. She also turned me on to LED’s. WHY THE FUCK we had to ban her, and piss her off is beyond me! For trying to help someone who needed help, bullshit i say!!!
Without @ifish MY PROGRAM would not be. He took my hand, walked me through all of it, and together we made the charts. He showed me and taught me how to “watch and listen” to the plant. How they WANT certain NPK values, and THE RATIOS of the valvues is WHAT MATTERS, not much else.

My game was changed by these two…and @Papalag because he went along with me and togehter we figured it all out.

If you use an octo, and use this feed system…unless your an IDIOT, you will harvest excellent bud properly done !!!

To gardenartus, Ifish, Papalag



We all work togeather , why it’s a success : )


humble knowledgeable man !

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So when’s one of you guys gonna fill an octo with rockwool : )


WHY??? My mix is inert as it is???

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@Gardenartus is not banned.


You like how your cuts root in the cubes : )

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She got a week or two ban…has been here like once SINCE THEN> She is fragile, and the ban fucked her up. She DOES NOT feel safe posting here…piss’s me off to no end


Yes they root well.

Afraid the rockwoll will “retain” too much water in the sleeve

It’s sooooo easy for roots to suck fluid from rockwool and it equalises replenishes that area real quick
Plus roots travel freely thru rockwool , like it’s not even there
Plus bigger root mass etc cuz more area volume in pot using rockwool

Sure it would take a slight play at start tweaking buuuuuut if it can be pulled of ……… wow : )

The big chunks they sell in us ( think they 1 inch big 80L bag , the square shapes will provide extra air
My Mapito compacks over time , I have no probs with over saturation

Same feeding just 5.6 in veg and stretch , then 5.8 flower


I may try one with mapito maybe next run

Will Rockwool work ?