Off Topic Complaints

They’ve got there’s stylized open booths, some quite ornate.

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Kleenex are used for mucus? This is news to me.


There are many forms of mucus.


I’d like to complain about drink companies especially death water did you know they have a full time witch supposedly puts a demon in every drink. They openly admitted to it. And mt dew wtf maui blast :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: and now Baja blast is coming out. What a time to be alive


Funny you should mention…

He’s not lying.


Any kind of fabric finery really. May I borrow your pocket square for a moment?

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I wish they had names like “Cleveland trickle” or “Bismarck puddle.”

And there was a shortage in the demon supply chain so they had to cut back on the demons a little.

Better than a part-time witch. If my drink has a demon in it, I want the comfortable reassurance of knowing it was put there by a true professional rather than some vegan tween who’s just experimenting for the weekend until she goes back to middle school… either way, I’m gonna get my soul devoured, but I want it done cleanly if it’s gonna happen. A full-time witch can make sure I don’t end up with some slacker demon who covers my soul with barbeque sauce and then just leaves it on the table to get crusty while it eats pork rinds and watches presidential debate coverage instead. There can be no worse torture than an eternity of presidential debates.


I’m going to need to see your witches resume and talk to three evil references…


I guess if that’s what you’re into. But if not don’t play games with that stuff. All of them know god wins in the end not smartasses. :v:

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In Guatemala at all the major bud stops the walls are covered (covered) in spray painted signs that say “don’t pee here.” Yeah, like that going to happen after a 4 hour bus trip…

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boy that’s the truth. i did once when i was 17 and have been paying for it ever since. had my daughter possessed once too. freaky stuff has happened more than once and convinced me not to screw around with things i don’t understand.

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Amen brother playing with that is like karma waiting around the corner it’s eventually going to catch up. And sorry for all that bro I’ll keep you in my prayers. Sending well wishes and vibes :pray::pray:


Yeah…how do blind people know when they’ve wiped good enough?!?

Disclaimer: No, I’m not poking fun at a disability!


Scratch n sniff?:joy:

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I personally feel like it is unfair us older folk that we move slower. Here we are with less time to do things. Young folk move fast when they need to slow down. It’s all backwards really.


I like the Baja blast paired with a late night taco bell order…just saying

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Now they have pitch black

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Storm went right through Baja so one left 🤷

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Signs that read “Don’t touch my shit” had a guy on another shift a few years back that would put this on his tool box. Little did he know that made me want to touch his shit, if only to prove I could. :smirk: