(complete) OGer, the Encore

My money’s on Col. Mustard in the ballroom with the candlestick… watching with interest to see if the mystery is ever resolved. :wink:


Hola Gang

ctg has the real story
I dont like to tell it cause
I mix all the name

its a great strain and lots
of work can be done with it



Thanx Bare, I’ll fix up the info in the top post based on his discussion.



Special shout out to @GoodGear for finishing the old controversy on the OGer genealogy.



Was reading that too! So crazy and typical community banter haha

Just grow this shit out and see what you get homes! All this is doing is firing me up to see what comes from growing these seeds.

I’m so excited for this one! Positive grow vibes comin at ya brother!!!


The “Opening“ Act…

Rommel is frequently attributed the quote: “No plan survives contact with the enemy”
but… he was actually paraphrasing an old Prussian Field Marshal, Helmuth von Moltke:

“No plan of operations reaches with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy’s main force.“
Certainty more elegant & specific, but Rommel’s is more succinct

Well folks, I’m sorry to announce we have had a small tragedy…

The coin flip from Bare was savaged by the Canada Post sorting machines.
The packaging look fine, nice hose ring, solidly taped, but on opening, I could see cracked shells, chips and divots. About 60% (7) showing some signs of damage.

…Which got me thinking about Johnny’s World Famous germination protocol…
This has been declared by some - to be able to cure the lame, heal the sick and raise the dead…

So… let’s give it a shot! :laughing: :+1:

Something I’ve been working on is using a 1% H2O2 solution in an ultrasonic cleaner.
It’s my extension to Joe’s ‘Protocol 0’, but for seeds.

If there is any virus or pathogen on the shell, this will clobber it. And with any luck, help soften up the shell.
Previous tests pointed to 9 minutes as being useful (for germination rates).

After a trip through the ultrasonic cleaner and a 12Hrs soak (1% solution again) the beans were placed in a bed of fresh EWC as per @Johnnypotseed’s protocols

After 24 Hrs. :arrow_heading_down:

It’s funny, the camera sees the beans better than the old Mark1 eyeball, it nicely exaggerates the contrast.

These beans were almost ‘busting out at the seams’ when they went in, so no surprise at all the tails in 24hrs.

After 24 hours, the count is:

MB 9 popped and 2 lagging
Bare 2 popped and 3 lagging
C+ 1 popped

I put all of the beans onto the EWC to see would happen, and it was interesting.
Two of the really damaged beans were trying to grow! One got it’s cotyledons partially deployed but they both ‘fizzled out’ after a another day. All of which suggests to me that they could possibly have been saved with a tissue culture kit.

All of the popped beans were transferred to hydrated peat pucks, the lagging seeds trailed by 24Hrs.

Once I see root penetration of the peat pucks, I transplant to solo cups. These were planted a little too high.

It turns out that the lagging sprouts were ‘walking wounded,’ somewhat healed by Johnny’s EWC
but unfortunately they just didn’t have enough ‘juice’ to get to the ‘right side’ of the dirt.

So the final count is:

MB 9
Bare 2
C+ 1

When transplanting, I like to dust with Dynomyco, top dress with EWC and a heavy watering (50g).
The roots want the water and get inoculated with the Dyno and the EWC is magic.

Now we are just about caught up.

Plans will have to be flexible. The M:F ratio in MB group will be the major decision point as to how to proceed.


Ouch, I had no idea this is what you were talking about the other day with the taping issues. :frowning: Ugly, but at least you still have 11 that seem healthy; that’s not too terrible, even gives you some room to accomodate for disasters or simply cull the mutants that sometimes result from S1s. First contact may have decimated your forces, but the battle has been lost, not the war. :slight_smile:


Yes, I took some casualties but the survivors are doing well. :+1:
They are working on their second set of leaves and will soon stiffen up the stems. I’ll post a ‘rogue’s gallery’ shortly.

11 plants gives a decent bit of ‘wiggle room’ so I think we are going to be OK-fine.



More importantly than if or how you get dealt a challenge is how you respond to it, seems like you’re keeping a cool head about it so you’re winning either way there. Hoping it’s smooth sailing for you from here :v:t2:


Hola Gpaw

get in touch will send more



Very interested to seeing how the swallow kis mix works out for you, I’ve been interested in them since hearing them on the kis podcast. Seems they have a pumice based version of the soil now as well. They are within driving distance, a very long drive but still better than the 500$/yard shipping from Kis in Seattle.


Unknown or Legendary - King
Aka: Pink Kush

REEFERMAN: I figured out that OG kush and sour D were related it is obvious now what is really interesting is we have a cutting that has been in the local biker community here since 1992 that is very very close to Oger’s kush, could it be the Chem Dog ? here it is called king or kings cross there are two pheno’s the Green and the Pink (hairs only) it was given to me with a group of 3 hash plants when I grew it out I named it the pink kush but later figured out it was a different pheno of the King Origional gangsters is a ironical name considering the old boys the clones were gifted to me from they can be protective of the cutting, we see very little of it on our local market here becouse it gets bought up by the guys who gave me the clones and I hear it all goes to LA but that could be BS but even in a bad market the Strain is the most lucrative on a commercial basis “the chem dog thing is very interesting thanks for sharing that RM”



A quick update

Everything is going well, they are growing like weeds… :blush:

Second set of true leaves are in and the stems are strengthening up nicely. Light intensity is slowly being bumped up (15K lux today).

It is interesting how uniform the plants are.



Ya that is very interesting! Good sign for your canopy though haha

I also use a lux meter. It’s never let me down!


It was a real eye opener when I first got my lux meter and I started checking my light setups.
Now I won’t dream of working without one… :grin: :+1:



I’ve always used the ‘lift’ method to judge watering when they get into the larger pots but I knew I was basically guessing with the little ones.

So, something new I’m doing this time is actually weighing the pots as I water.
I should have gone ‘full geek’ and recorded the data because the progression has been interesting.
Initially they were taking up about 10ml/day. That has progressed to 25~40ml as the leaf area has expanded. RH has been running 40~50%.

I have to give Black Swallow Soils credit, the plants are doing well… and not one fungus gnat!!



I love the nerd out method haha. I always struggled with the lift method… too much second guessing. Weighing them to water just works so well for me.


i do the lift method and tell myself that im cultivating my sixth sense for understanding when the plants need to be watered. in reality im too lazy to break out the scale.


This has got me thinking about those strain gauge bathroom scales.
That might be the way to go for larger pots.
At least as a cross check to see how accurate my lift method is :mechanical_arm: :laughing:

I’m surprised how much I’m liking this process & the plants are happy. I’m always ‘trying something different to see what happens’.

I tend to channel my inner nerd when I’m playing with new gear like lights and fans, there’s always something interesting around the corner… :laughing: :vulcan_salute:



Yup, it has removed all guesswork, which really works well for my process-oriented brain! It’s kind of funny to do organic growing, but watering by scale :wink: lol. Right now I use a food scale that works for up to 3 gallon fabric pots. I need something that can handle more than 10lbs for 5gal and up though. Thinking of getting this kitchen scale soon for that: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CRBD71J/?coliid=INQD4VZJAZ005&colid=OT544A5SZFA2&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it