(complete) OGer, the Encore

The “Opening“ Act…

Rommel is frequently attributed the quote: “No plan survives contact with the enemy”
but… he was actually paraphrasing an old Prussian Field Marshal, Helmuth von Moltke:

“No plan of operations reaches with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy’s main force.“
Certainty more elegant & specific, but Rommel’s is more succinct

Well folks, I’m sorry to announce we have had a small tragedy…

The coin flip from Bare was savaged by the Canada Post sorting machines.
The packaging look fine, nice hose ring, solidly taped, but on opening, I could see cracked shells, chips and divots. About 60% (7) showing some signs of damage.

…Which got me thinking about Johnny’s World Famous germination protocol…
This has been declared by some - to be able to cure the lame, heal the sick and raise the dead…

So… let’s give it a shot! :laughing: :+1:

Something I’ve been working on is using a 1% H2O2 solution in an ultrasonic cleaner.
It’s my extension to Joe’s ‘Protocol 0’, but for seeds.

If there is any virus or pathogen on the shell, this will clobber it. And with any luck, help soften up the shell.
Previous tests pointed to 9 minutes as being useful (for germination rates).

After a trip through the ultrasonic cleaner and a 12Hrs soak (1% solution again) the beans were placed in a bed of fresh EWC as per @Johnnypotseed’s protocols

After 24 Hrs. :arrow_heading_down:

It’s funny, the camera sees the beans better than the old Mark1 eyeball, it nicely exaggerates the contrast.

These beans were almost ‘busting out at the seams’ when they went in, so no surprise at all the tails in 24hrs.

After 24 hours, the count is:

MB 9 popped and 2 lagging
Bare 2 popped and 3 lagging
C+ 1 popped

I put all of the beans onto the EWC to see would happen, and it was interesting.
Two of the really damaged beans were trying to grow! One got it’s cotyledons partially deployed but they both ‘fizzled out’ after a another day. All of which suggests to me that they could possibly have been saved with a tissue culture kit.

All of the popped beans were transferred to hydrated peat pucks, the lagging seeds trailed by 24Hrs.

Once I see root penetration of the peat pucks, I transplant to solo cups. These were planted a little too high.

It turns out that the lagging sprouts were ‘walking wounded,’ somewhat healed by Johnny’s EWC
but unfortunately they just didn’t have enough ‘juice’ to get to the ‘right side’ of the dirt.

So the final count is:

MB 9
Bare 2
C+ 1

When transplanting, I like to dust with Dynomyco, top dress with EWC and a heavy watering (50g).
The roots want the water and get inoculated with the Dyno and the EWC is magic.

Now we are just about caught up.

Plans will have to be flexible. The M:F ratio in MB group will be the major decision point as to how to proceed.