OGKB hybrid beans, fems and regs

@DesertHeartGardens Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Mislabeling is one of my biggest concerns when using other people’s genetics for breeding

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So are we gonna ease up in this kid now? :man_shrugging:t2: lol jeez


Can’t remember if i already posted, but as far as my experiences, 0% suspicious. I didnt send a cent (for postage or otherwise) and a couple weeks later, got some potentially amazing seeds. Obviously, i havent grown them yet, but upon inspection, they are very clearly at least from 2 different sets of genetics, the 2 sets of seeds look nothing alike. So, not just mass sending out bird seed, or something, as far as i can tell.

I’d vouch for honesty, fwiw


Maybe in the moment of I was quick to judge @Crafty_Flame he has been very generous to the community thus far he has mentioned his falling out with partners In previous posts and if they where posting the wrong genetics etc I can understand wanting to go off on your own my red flags went up thinking it might be a sock account or a ruse to get in the community to scam but he shouldn’t be judged based off others past behaviors I’ve seen he has been rather upfront and generous so far and should be fairly judged until proven otherwise(hopefully not the case) maybe this could of been done in a bit more of an appropriate manner maybe even a message first for that I apologize but just looking out for the community that I consider a second home


I don’t think anyone wants there to be anything nefarious here man. The fact it that @Crafty_Flame did kind of a bad job starting out here. He walked into a room full of strangers and said he just wanted to get his beans out into the community. Now since he was not part of the community, and that was his first post, that was a red flag. Then he asked for postage, which of course, set off another red flag. No pics, no journals, just I have beans, they are fire, just send me postage. So really, that set off some suspicions. Then @DesertHeartGardens come across some pics matching what @Crafty_Flame had posted here. There’s another red flag. First impressions and all.

Could these pics be explained as a simple mistake, sure they could. That’s totally possible. Did Crafty have any ill intent, it doesn’t appear to be the case. Really seems like what is needed here is the same as anyplace. Get to know the folks in the community. Share your stories, pics of your work and how you went about it. As time goes by you earn a reputation and the trust of others. Again, I don’t feel there were any ill intentions by Crafty but trust is earned. We have had many varieties of scammers here on OG and folks are rightfully cautious. Time and interaction are what is needed to remove those concerns IMO. Well, for what my opinion is worth.


Shameless plug time… Today’s wiki is still open it’ll be drawn tomorrow morning!


ya this is very true , a valid opinion Doug Dawson
I spent several months here just hanging out , giving away/donating seeds in the existing threads, hanging out in others and running a haphazard grow thread of my own LOL. Once I felt comfortable I decided to become a sponsor. Some very good people here and an overall supportive community. I spend a lot of time here now and slowly making new aquaintances , some have become friends even.

Give it time, you’ll be fine :wink:


I think it should be pointed out he’s doing everything being asked of him. He’s new here, he didn’t know people here had been scammed before, while it’s smart to lurk before engaging unlike what he did, he still did what everybody asked, is posting his own grow journal, posting pictures, trying to be polite and respectful and follow our culture.

While it’s important to recognize red flags it’s also important to recognize his willingness to follow the rules


I’m gonna run the seeds he sent me early 2024…should be :fire: :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::rocket::crescent_moon:


I just started 3 of Crafty’s strains last week and I’ll be posting pics here and on my thread.


What are you running bud?

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Garlic Breath 2.0 x Mendo Breath, OGKB 2.1 x Mendo Breath, Gelato Cookies x OGKB 2… Unfortunately, I’ve only got one of each as I had a mishap during germination but should still be a great show! :grinning:


Super curious about the garlic strains. Got one as a freebie from GLG.

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My first grow I ran the original garlic breath and it was awesome! I can’t wait to see GB2.0

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I agree 100% and I think it’s fair to say most have been recognizing this. I have not seen anything but some pics being pointed out and really that is totally understandable. Such things should be pointed out and the person given an opportunity to explain it. While I get that he is new here it was still an odd way to start with a group of strangers. I know it set off my radar instantly but I still gave him the benefit of the doubt as I think most did. He has altered his approach which I for one and likely many appreciated. He has posted pics and such about his grows which I think is fundamental in trying to get your seeds out there. After all, it takes months to grow seeds, why grow stuff you have no idea about. All in all I figure @Crafty_Flame could be a great addition to OG, after all, we are all growers here.


Well put man, he’s a grow nerd like most of us. He’s got a sweet set up as well.


OG is the best place. OGKB is good weed. @Crafty_Flame , I hope to run your beans sometime and I also genuinely and sincerely appreciate @DesertHeartGardens for having a watchful eye. And to @DougDawson and @JustANobody for being cool, generous cats


Sign up for the giveaway bud! Got 20 packs to giveaway.


Oh I’m in there. I’ll get some somehow :man_shrugging:t2:


thanks for the heads up DH i have nothing but optimism regarding @Crafty_Flame seems like a good guy and isnt profiting from any of this yet. but if a few of us hit some fire then he might :stuck_out_tongue: