Ok guys...., good, bad, ugly.....LED

Lmao, not an option because I am perfectly happy with my HP’s n MH set up. For 90 bucks,I now have a 4th light in flower. It’s simple, fast, and I bet will root my plants. I am perfectly capable of diy my lights, but no need to. Why would I in this case? I am rooting for 7 days, then flower. If you can show me some cob diy light for 89 bucks I’m game.

I take that back actually on the 89 diy cob.I really have no interest in using LEDs. I was looking to add a light for veg, and went that route. Like I said, I am willing to put my pics up, and we can see if my plants are going to die a horrible, slow, painful death…from miracle gro soil n blurple light oh my. Or, if, maybe, they live, grow, and works well for me in my situation… Time will tell. I am starting to think, outside a few people on here, most don’t have a clue with what I am doing with my plants.

Modified SOG, 7 day veg time, super cropped plants. I am not overly concerned with vegging, simply not. I clone from budding plants, and that gives me a supercrop…root n flower. Repeat.

I like how your doing things. Part of being a good grower is adapting your style to the materials available. There are so many ways to get to the finish line, As long as you and your plants are happy, there is no wrong. Goin great. Fun to succeed when “your doin it all wrong” eh? LOL


one day he will build an led with cobs or quantum boards and he will be like " why the fuck was i using a cheap hps setup" hahahahahahXD


This is why i thought you wanted information on LED.

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I did, and i have been educated! Which is always a good thing brother!

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Yes DIY is the way to go for sure in my opinion, Right now I have a cheapo DIY that I built using 100w cree XPG 4k cobs that I got for $12 each and some 45W LUXEON Rebel ES Royal Blue 450nm cobs for $5 EACH ,So I got like 5 of the 100w and 10 of the 45w and built a light. But I plan on my next light being the newer Citizen cl0u58 cobs as they are even more efficient than the Cree 3590’s and the top model can put out almost 500w out of 1 cob, and they are cheaper per watt. But if you want the best in LED lights for the money DIY is the way to go.

Citizens are not beter then the cree cobs. Just ask any led junkie. Citizen is a step down from vero and veronis a step down from cree. I believe the only thing better then cree might be samsung. There is also a company working on the most efficiant cobs ever down in San francisco. Cant remember the companies name though.

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@lotus710. Oh boy brother, i think i hear big brown rollin down with the blurple in tow…(-;

You might want to revisit the Citizen CLU058 MODELS , as they are more efficient than the cxb3590’s at higher power outputs. I’m not talking about the older model clu048 cobs Since your into cree cobs and such I imagine you know of Growmau5 on youtube, well he even states that the citizen CLU058-1825C4-653M2K1 is more efficient at higher currents than the cxb3590 also there is another article somewhere I read, The title of the thread is Citizen clu058 Cree cxb3590 killer! But they were verified . I’m just repeating what I have heard from reputable sources. So you might want to check into the later model Citizen cobs for a future build… Or not!


Ill def check it out. But im waiting for some quantum boards forsure. I usualy run everything softer:)

Ooooooo, its here! Actually looks pretty nice. Better made, atleast look wise, then i was expecting.

Damn, i was thinking purple light? Wtf i was all blurpled up…has a slight blue tint i guess, but man in the pics those look blurple! Good news, smoke stayed in!

Vipars are blurple. (Blue and red diodes) post some pics. Open up the case and show us the inside also.

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Kk, give me a few minutes…must type 20 characters…

Ah, heat sink is glued on. Cant get into it, well im sure i could, but…lol


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So, is it a true 300 watt LED light, or 300 watt equivalent?

Equivalent… Need to type more words…word of the day… @lotus710. Blurple! Hahaha

Looks good dont see any glue anywhere. Heatsink is actually touching the led board by the looks of it. Clean job forsure:) thats good! Ive seen some CRAZY led jobsXD do you have a killawatt meter to see the actual pull? You should aquire a lumen meter also off amazon. 20 bucks. Itll help you see where the light should be placed for maximum coverage and efficiancy.