Old Strain Family Orgins Information

Found this pretty cool old strain genetic family information. I cant remember what digitized magazine i found it in but figured someone might find it interesting.

also if anyone has any other old magazine or other cool nostalgic strain info. add it someone might find it knowledgeable and interesting.


I love this idea! :grin: :rainbow:


I just checked, Soft Secret (aka RQS) still let download all previous editions. The USA version is more pro and polished, but the content is less fun than the european version (imo). UK version is a good alt i think.

It’s not so old buddy, they are talking about the Critical Mass (post-GHS). And as usual with tabloids (i love these shits) you get some funks ^^ The “Black Family” square is quite musky, the writer just improvized something on catalogs references lol

Black Widow / White Widow are a family on their own, a standard.
Black Do is a typical NL/Afgh like there is a bunch. I personnally class it in the NL family.