OleReynards Shanty Bar 2021

I’m as nervous as an illegal alien at an election! I’m doing all I’m able. Small heater seems useless and temps keep falling. 06 tonight. Yikes! :flushed:



Maybe Amazon next day for something bigger.
How bout some heat bulbs, maybe run at the coldest part of the day so ya get more heat.
Used to change cycles myself never hurt nothing.
If ya got 2 different lights going stagger so ones on when other aint.
Would take 2 tents for that.

Global warming ain’t it grand, fuckin demwitts.


Good idea. I’m about to go check on them. It’s 20 degrees now. I am extremely worried about heat sources in the shed.

This won’t let up for a few days. I’m considering chopping my 9 week girls and the rest are on their own. :frowning:



Ahhh Sensi don’t fail me now.
100% germ, now the wait.


Lasco tower fan heaters are the tits my friend


Where the hell has Lord @Baltimore gone too?
Hope you’re safe and well, brother.


. it had a warning on it, but it melted off. I got it from a buddy, straight out the copper. I mix mine 50/50 aple juice. Add cinnamon stick’s and a slice of grannie Smiths apple. good sippng


Hey Senor “Dude”. I’ve been fighting a frigging Spider Mite problem. I’ve finally cleaned all the plants out and started mopping. Inlet my aunt run a small tent. She brought in Trumpet Vine from the yard. She though she was gonna build my secret garden. Jesus Motz! Sometimes I wonder why I continue the torture?:rofl:

Let’s hope that I done say take a month off cleaning everyday a d them still not be gone. I’m almost ready to buy new tents. My “financier” hahaha has been asking me so I may grab a few nicer models. All is well. Nice to see you. Glad your well. Always a pleasure sir. Be safe.:grin::v:


Same reason I did, just take your stuff and set it outside for a week of course I did buy new tents also, fans , quit recycling dirt.
They can’t last in that cold.


10-4. My clean stuff stays in the shed so I shod have nice sterile soil ready to go. I threw all the dirt/root balls and scraps away. I’ll wipe my plastic fans a bit then leave everything in the shed for a bit while I wash everything I can and while it’s in the 20’s.:+1:

I appreciate the advice. Hopefully you kicked their bug Fanny’s. Let me know how it goes. I have to be a little more cautious about everyone else’s plants. She’s a dingbat. I’m gonna do the best I can and keep trying. I love to keep everything clean and no overspray. This allowed me to see how much cleaner I need to be.


I read somewhere recently ( a few months ago ) and have been trying it for those same months
BT against the spider mites - it seems to be working but it is very slow - maybe a month or so before you notice any change - which is what the info said
not totally convinced but this grow much better using it
every time I move or transplant or whatever I give em a dose
will confirm after a few more months


Get cleaned up I got something for you.


10-4. Any more tips on cleaning up is always welcomed. I’ll be taking my hardware to the shed in the morning while it’s really cold.

Other than that I’ve cleaned a few clones and let most go. I’m gonna run new flex and cheap stuff I can think of. I’m trying to think where bugs would hide without food?

Proper storage of soil and sanitation is something that needs to be in the forefront. I know that. Common sense my Father is always yelling.:laughing::+1:

I know it. You can slack off for a small bit of time and that’s all it takes man. I’ve been mopping and cleaning surfaces daily. I’ll continue for a bit. Have a good one. Be safe up there.:grin::v:


Good to see you stop by @Baltimore .
Was a tad worried bout ya.

Day off today had yesterday also.
Working only 3 days a week now.

We had a break in the weather we’re at a balmy +7 this morning here.
Which reminds me @oleskool830 how ya fending down there and all the rest of you Texas boys?

Next batch which are the Grendel and @Barefrog 8813.
Get uppotted into 5x5’s today.
Can start putting a few things back into totes. Season whinding down quickly.
Nice to shut things down but nice to get up and going again.

The orange lot the blood orange, yo momma and cali yo very nice specimens.
No bling on these 8813 orange tangs so depending on how they smoke the rest will be bird seed.
Not the batch of 8813 I was looking for maybe in the Grendel.
I dont get seed just to hold onto.

The heris, bred 1 with cali yo and blood orange.
Don’t know what to expect not showing alot of anything. Hoping this wasn’t a waste of time and space.
Not what I expected attttt allllll.
They all have the same smell on the rub.

That’s about it from the Shanty Bar, yall have a great day, ya hear.


Went to chiro this morning, back is feeling better but not right now.
Chiro stretched me again, told me I can expect good times bad times, flare ups is what he says.

Monday get to see the specialist and his “Team”.
Not really looking forward to this either.
Sometimes the truth is just bad.

So thinking ahead, I believe the tents are going up on tables next year of some sort.
Optimum would be 2’ off the ground.
Maybe 18".


Oh man would that be a dream. I only have a total height of 5’ so it would really limit mine once I take away the space for light, distance to plants and buckets but my back sure does like that idea.


Remember it’s only their opinion, and it’s not always correct. Treat it as a worse case scenario. According to my surgeons opinion 5 years ago, I should be in a wheelchair now.


Just a bit of an update.
First off how it looked up here yesterday
Well I tried, server not handling pics anymore, this file was to big not any bigger than the rest of my pics.

People been throwing to much porn on here a pic of each plant is plenty :roll_eyes:
Most of my pics come off before long so I know it’s not mine, attention hounds and you know who yous are.

Anyway we got snow here yesterday, couple inches sticking to the trees and such. Just fookin buudaful.

So the doc appointment, they started with cortisone, went met with PT yesterday.
He thinks might better to lay off the shots till absolutely needed, which I say most definitely. Thinking pt might prolong the inevitable. Wouldve liked to known that sooner it was very intimidating Monday.
Got me in right away that day still not a big noticeable improvement.
2hour ordeal, not fun. Oh got me on Gaberpictin or something on that order to help with sleep and swelling.
All I know is opo will be me being on my death bed and not able to move, Fuck That Shit.

Things are whinding down nicely, weather’s warming up.
Had to hire a roofer to roof my garage, very embarrassing especially after being in the trades.
Still needs to be sided I’ll give it a try, til the gable ends then I might need somebody to finish. Ladders are a no no now.

Let’s see plants are coming along nicely I see where the blood orange took to heri so be a few of those around.
The orange run maybe another couple weeks I’ll throw up some harvest pics.

Grendel looking damn nice for 15-20 year old beans, I find a good bms in there it’ll be clone time. Not set up for it but I’ll make exceptions just like a couple others keepers I found this season.
They’ll be going into a personal library soon in another state til things change here.

Other than that have a great day and thanks for stopping.
The Shanty Bar may be open 24 hours a day no one here serve yourself be somebody by shortly.


Yeah I would wait as well, once you start cortisone shots you become dependent on them as your body will stop making it naturally. The body will stop making anything it doesn’t have to, when it gets it from somewhere else. Then you have to wait a couple of months for natural production to start up again once you stop having the shots.

Better to find away to boost it naturally plus the shots have to be put right in the joint, which can be pretty painful.

When I built my work shop, the gable end on the back was the only bit I needed help doing, the full length of siding could not stay up long enough for me to climb down the ladder at one end and up the ladder at the other end before dropping down and falling.


Planks in between ladders help with that, start in the middle and work out both ways.
I know too late now.