OleReynards Shanty Bar 2021

Yeah I thought of hiring some baker scaffold, but it was cheaper to get the wife to help out, surprised at how well she could swing a hammer lol. I thought I was going to end up with siding full of hammer holes :joy:


I have also read that those shots deteriorate cartilage. This is why the docs have been laying off them in more recent history.

There is alot of promise in stem cell injections. My buddy, who is a painter, was having shoulder trouble (in his painting shoulder). Apparently it was pretty unbearable. After 2 stem cell shots it is much, much better. The bad part was, since it isn’t fda approved, insurance would not cover it. He was out like 4 grand, but he said it was well worth it. Hopefully they can approve common sense therapies like this soon. They extracted the stem cells from his blood or plasma I believe.


This what I woke up to yesterday.
Fuckin shit still won’t upload, some of my pics for plants won’t process thru here either, files to big.
Not even gonna try anymore.

The 8813’s that got planted so far not thrilled with these are from someone other than bare.
I swear this plant went thru so many hands that didn’t know what the fuck they were doing so if you find a decent one don’t let it go, it’s been ruined.

Anybody doing an orange run here in a month or so?
I might have some of the Cali indica pollen to share.
The cali indica is the famed cali orange bud from years past and a different old time hp not associated with the 8813.
This is one of my top 5 of all time.
Orange taste with a helluve buzz.
These I will be breeding also.

What else, do have bloody orange beans forming on Heri, be interesting.

Orange run coming to an end.
I do have a cali yo and yo momma I’m keeping out of this.
Still up in the air about a blood orange.
Hopefully find a cali indica to throw in this bunch.


It seems they have lowered the max file size with the last update. I have been having to crop my pics to upload them. Even if its just a little bit cropped out it seems just running the pic through the editor app compresses it.


That sounds good, I hope these stem cell products become available soon. I watched a vid with a doc at Harvard, who does gene therapy. They are able to, atm, remove a mouse’s DNA clean it all up and re insert it, it reverses the age of the mouse. He said we age because of all the crap we put in our bodies, and the lack of good nutrition, and mainly sugar and alcohol, damage our DNA strands the lack of vit D3, causes poor cell communication, which leads to the cell replication process, becoming damaged and not all the information being transferred from the old cell to the new cell, so the new cell is missing bits of info on how it should behave.

By cleaning it and adding back all the information the cells re program the old ones to how you were in your earlier years reversing any physiological problems.

They are about to release it as a treatment for glaucoma. He said the only problem with it being released, is it being blocked by big Pharma, as normal drugs for people’s problems will be no longer needed so they will lose a lot of money.

There is no obstruction for glaucoma as there is no treatment available for it.


What??? No!!! They want to help us! :joy:


Only a f it makes them money, I have watched 2 different interviews with the Phizer and Glaxo CEO’s responding to pressure to lower drug prices. There response was, We are not in the business of helping people, we are in the business of making money.

I would not trust anything from phizer, they were caught knowingly selling HIV contaminated blood plasma, to hemophilliacs and bone marrow patients in the US.

All they got was fined, and then they just sold it to countries in Africa instead of destroying it. These are the ethics of big Pharma, profit over care.

Same thing with Cancer, lots of cures but we’re shutdown because they can’t patent or profit from them.


Sorry, I forgot to add the tone of sarcasm I was using. A large portion of the evil in the world is perpetuated in the large drug companies. They have been the main ones fighting legalization all these years. Cannabis is more effective than many of their “miracle” cures.


Hey hey just saw I had cali yo heri beans a forming


I understood your sarcasm :wink: just wanted to vent about how you cant trust these barstards, to be honest and have a care about what they sell.


Shady and I agree? What?!?! :joy:

You can vent to me anytime you wish man.


Thursday Day Off

Went in yesterday was to be my day off but went in for a half day to help out.

So therapy is on Tues and Thursday.
Tuesday did some stretching and they hooked me up to diodes.
Thursday not sure what’s in store.

Lost track of days I believe its the 4th today?
Mid month the rest get flipped and sexed and down to the finale.
A couple of @Barefrog 8813 are in there already pretty confident they’re boys, too bad nice structure but they ain’t sexed as yet so the world turns.

You’d be surprised the damage of a Qtip and a bit of pollen can do.
You can sure tell what got hit seeded buds look ratty and unkept.

The orange group slowly and surely got the ripening on.
2 of the 8813’s just ain’t got nothing.
The other one looks like a straight dealio old time HP.
Love the looks now if it’s got zing.

Heris a packing it on

Everything is thriving quite well, cant wait to wrap it up for the spring/summer.

Sent a handful of belated birthday cards out that folks should of seen by now with no notice to me.
Sent one to canada yesterday and post patron says something to the affect of this will probably be checked on at customs.
A fuckin birthday card with a mini candy bar, fuckin really?
Anybody else having this problem?

Fuck it I’m done sending shit, people forget to say shit and I’m standing there wondering, actually what the fuck.

Sent somethings to Spain ain’t heard from there either.


I know it’s early in, but you think therapy will help?


Not sure about long term?
I have got some relief from the diodes and stretching.
Trying to get blood flow going thru all the swelling.

Holding off for as long as I can keeping fingers crossed.
A gal at work put me in her prayer circle, very nice of her, dont even know her that well.


That’s cool of her bro.

I haven’t seen anything yet.


if it was to me nothing arrived yet
but thanks for trying


I figured I’d hear from you Sam something out to San also.


Check out a machine called the reverse hyper. It’s made by Louie Simmons from westside barbell. They let me try it out in their gym and it really pumped up my back and made the pain go away. They’re a pricey piece of equipment but I think it would be worth it for a lot of folks myself included.


Thank you I will do that


Hey, that sounds like a solid cross. Hope they come out fire! That should be good pain medicine.

Hope the back therapy gets you back on track. I’m more stove up this year, too. I haven’t been out as much but that’s about to change.