Oleskool’s Shitkicker Grow Show redux

We had all of that. H‑E‑B opened for 3 hours yesterday. The line just to get inside the store went through parking lot and down the street. Lines for gas have been steady. Some ppl are running their cars for a warm spot. Like nothing I’ve ever seen. I’ve been through many hurricanes here and nothing like this. Stay high my friend.



That’s terrible crap. I heard alot of stores shut down.
This 2021 is a dumpster fire so farimage


Looks like 45 degrees and sunny on Sunday. I will go forth to claim the dead from my shed then. Clean it all out, see what hardware survived and start anew.



WOW! Good Morning from the Shithole State of Texas! Had power all night and still today so far. I have a new appreciation for electricity.



Good to hear!!

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Good to hear about the power. Sure not good what you guys are going through right now. I hope the shed turns out better than you expect! Stay safe and warm.


Power to the people :zap: :fist:


sorry about the grow shed man!! Hopefully you’ve got a good supply of seeds to start over.

people all ginned up about “politics” these days…it’s just a distraction, a dog & pony show, the real problem of course is GREED amongst the ruling oligarchs. Just a few hundred families. From what I can tell they wanted to invest in this country from the 40’s to the late 60’s and then they just bailed, Nixon went to China & the jobs followed. Massachusetts is one of the wealthiest places in the world and we have a 3rd-world infrastructure.

A few years back, the power to my whole town was out for 3 days after a fairly mild storm and it was because of a single tree down on a feeder line 10 miles away. It took 2 days for the idiots to find the tree! They had to fly a helicopter over the line to find the outage. Guess they missed the whole computer/high tech revolution somehow??? I figured if I want to grow plants indoors here I need a generator so I got one. My street is lined with huge branches & trees overhanging the wires because the energy oligarchs spent all the cash on hookers & pills instead of maintenance, I figure the next time we get an epic storm I’ll be down for a week or two if not months


Thanks man. I do have plenty of seeds and starting anew is OK. Gives me a chance to clean and move some stuff around. We’ll be thawed by Sunday.

That’s exactly the situation here. Oil Barons (rich rednecks) own the state and its politicians.

All in the name of greed. Gov decided not to require maintenance on generators and not to require producers to maintain back up power. All to be able to sell at profit.




“back up power” WTF is that??? :smile: my 85 year-old parents have had to endure multiple 7-8 day outages in the last few years…they just had an 8-day outage last fall when a tropical storm moved through New York - pretty much everyone in their town has a Generac now…can’t rely on the power grid anymore. They have to ration use of the generator as well, they don’t have enough propane tanks to go more than a week

You may be aware of famous Boston gangster Whitey Bulger - the corrupt Boston FBI helped him wipe out his enemies in the Italian families over 20 years. Funny thing is, Whitey had an unusual relationship with Boston Edison, the main electric utility of Mass. all those years. When he was finally taken down, several of his lieutenants were actually working day jobs as executives within Boston Edison! Not only that, they dug up over a dozen of his victims’ bodies and every single one was buried on land owned by either Boston Edison or the Commonwealth of Mass. As we say in Mass…“the fix is in”


That’s fascinating! What’s a guy just trying to get an even shake out of life to do? Ive have had it with the John Wayne politics born of a faux sense of exceptionalism. They struck oil and felt powerful. Spewing their “Don’t mess with Texas” bullshit while a cold spell turns the state into a Siberian tundra because of incompetence. It’s a real fustercluck. We lived in Mexico off the grid for a couple of years, it can be done. Take care of yourself brother.




That’s outrageous in the most advanced (supposedly) country in the world. I can understand hurricanes or tornados that tear shit apart, but all it did here was get cold and BOOM infrastructure fail!



How about an uplifting message of hope…





It doesn’t get any better than this!



image !






Houston Feb 15





Just coming off of 5 days of outages here in the pnw from the same storm. 26 hours continuous without power during the storm was pretty rough here. Sorry to hear you guys aren’t doing any better down in Texas.

I lived near some of the biggest / oldest wind farms in the US out in hippy country in California, the shit your governor said was absolutely laughable. The whole point of wind power is to harness the energy of storms like this. As you know, with the grid down the power being generated by the wind turbines wasn’t being stored or routed to anyone.

(edit- the most ridiculous misconception is that wind farms don’t work unless all the turbines are spinning all the time. This is the whole point of having a wind farm, instead of a single turbine. The windmills are positioned at different angles and elevations, so that at any given time, there are always some in motion generating power no matter what direction or speed the wind is blowing.

Additionally, they are designed to generate power even if they are spinning very slowly. Sometimes from our perspective, it looks like they are not spinning at all, but their movement would be visible if you took a video and sped it up. if they rotate about a quarter turn in one hour, they are still working efficiently generating electricity)

Ive have had it with the John Wayne politics born of a faux sense of exceptionalism.

randomly, just saw an old kung-fu movie where the hero is dubbed with a John Wayne impression. Hilarious.