One Plant Grow indoors. Light to use?

My plan is to spend around $800.00 for a setup if I am able. I would love to build a grow room so I can seal it will and maybe introduce CO2 and some point down the road but lumber costs would hurt the budget…

If your going led spend most of that on a light

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Can always frame it up with foamboard.

The fact is that you can train a photoperiod plant to be as big as you want, more important is the space you have to accommodate it. I see you mention a 2x2 so you really won’t want your plant too big or you will likely outgrow your space. The trick is going to be to train top and supercrop if needed to maximize yield in that space.

For lights it’s hard to go wrong with HLG. That said I have used many brands including HLG, Mars and Vivosun with good results.

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No idea on strain yet… I have a few different seeds I may try… Or I am always up for suggestions.

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those look pretty cool, I will look into them for sure… Was thinking RDWC with a res outside so I can hook up some meters and stuff to monitor PPM, PH, Temp, etc… Also having a remote res, it would be a lot easier to add water, nutes, etc…

If you go that route i’d design it so u can expand and add more plant sites incase you ever want to expand.

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Isn’t it a pain to add nutes, etc in a DWC as your are messing around with the plant and roots? If I added SCROG net then it makes it even more of a PITA… Thats why I thought RDWC with remote res…

I’d typically just keep a spare bucket and put the next batch of nutes in that. Then just lift the plant out of old bucket and throw it in the new one. Would be a pain in the ass though if ur doing a scrog

Thinking 4 QB96’s. Maybe SF4000, maybe ???

I would go with Blue Dream or Gelato. I’m doing a blue dream. I’m 3 weeks in. Blue Dream and Gelato are good high yielding strains. I got 4 fem bd seeds from @Meesh germed 2 and picked my favorite one. I can send you one blue dream seed That I got from @meesh and one Gelato fem I got from @bassman5420. I just want to see you succeed at this. If interested pm me


You really don’t have to do the hydro stuff with these pots. You can i guess but that is the beauty about these things. I add water about every 3 days. You can get the 6 gallon ones that hold more water but I using 3 gallon ones because of space.

I would go with the quantom boards. Man if @nube was here he could help you tremendously

Thanks :slight_smile: That would be cool of you to do that. I am in Ontario Canada. I hope that’s ok :wink:

I really do like the quantum boards… I just don’t know which setup yet… If I can build a room I can get more head room for lights. Just need to see what I can work with down in the basement. I will get some measurements and chime back with more details. Maybe some pics to show you guys what I have to work with. I am excited to go on this adventure. I know there will be mistakes and f&^k ups along the way but that’s ok with me.



Absolutely cool with me. Shoot me your Addy I’ll send those out tomorrow morning. Not telling you what to do brother but I would go with the bg just because mesh and I are growing it. Lol

Fuck yes. I think nube is replying. I would take his advice

hahaha will do… Thanks again

It would be nice to have something to help me sleep better at night… I find I get tired and head to bed but as soon as I hit the pillow, my mind won’t stop so I lay there for like 2-3 hours… It sucks.

for a new-ish guy in Canada looking to grow a big plant and get some sleep, hard to beat Peak Seeds’ Northern Lights.

3x3. 315 CMH. organic soil. easy peasy