One Plant Grow indoors. Light to use?

Hey Everyone. Happy Summer to all!

Well my second grow is going ok. Decided to try outdoors in pots. Learning still as I go and having a blast!

I am starting to work on getting supplies to try a one plant grow indoors this fall and into the winter. I am leaning towards an LED for this one. Could I get some suggestions on size and brand from you guys? Would it be best for me to pick something from HLG? Should I also use side lighting?
Another question is should I grow in RDWC? Soil? ???

Reason why I want to try one plant is to see how big I can get it. I really enjoy learning and playing around.

TIA Everyone



How big is big?

How big is your space?

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I was thinking either a 2x2 or 3x3 tent.
Size of plant? Whatever I can achieve. I have about 7’ ceilings and an open area in my basement. Figured a tent would be best?

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I have a 6’ tent and I train my plants to max out at 3’ or so.

HLG is a quality brand. I was looking at a 135 for a 2x2. Lots of options.

Re: rdwc or soil - I can’t answer that. You’re going to have to choose. I run soilless and it works for me.

I would grow a few medium size plants instead of one big one.

All the best.


Do I hear an indoor one plant grow off? Lol!

hahahahah Grow off?? Um for newbies maybe? I would be in… Never done it yet but wanna…

@Foreigner I do like the HLG products. Was thinking maybe 4 QB96’s? as well. Just to make sure I have enough light :wink:
What type of soilless setup do you have?


Good luck bud! I’ll be watching. I would start small with the lights then work up… Definitely a lot of people interested in one plant grows… best of vibes your way


I use Promix in 3G pots.

If you’re going 2x2 I’d probably just get the 135R but again lots of options.

Even a cheaper one like a mars or a spider farmer would suit your needs.


In a red solo cup?

Think I wanna try something different this round… Maybe RDWC. Not sure yet…


Not sure it makes sense to build a rdwc for a single plant


Bubble bucket?

single plant. Id go with a good soil maybe 10-15 gallon fabric pot. Hlg will definately have something thatll fit the space. Budget on lighting? I really like hps in flower though. Led just doesnt seem to get the same swell.

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no need for side lighting in these grow tents, the reflective walls will take care of it. I like the idea of one big plant, but it can be nice to have more than one in case something goes wrong. I usually grow more females than I need and gift them to friends if I run out of space.

I do organic soil, for a 3X3 tent I’d want at least a 10 gallon pot for one female, if not 15 or 20.


No in a tent

This is a good problem to have.

And I agree that growing only one is an egg basket situation.

All the best.

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Have you thought about what variety you plan on growing? This is cool cuz I think I’m the only one on here doing a one plant indoor grow. Would be nice to have a neighbor


I suggest a octopot. You will be amazed i think at how much one plant can produce with these things.

I think your best of planting in soil… 30 gallon pot

RDWC is generally meant for multi plant setups. makes it very easy to feed/monitor multiple plants from 1 control bucket. You could do a 1 plant RDWC but i think at that point u might aswell just do a single DWC bucket.

DWC buckets are super simple and hard to screw up. My 1st run with them i had no issues and was just changing the water in them every 2 weeks or so.