Ongoing Defenciency

I’m still have this problem with the yellowing of leaves and it’s progressing pretty quickly. I was told it could be phosphorus issues and/or pests. Wel ive been feeding em more PK to help phosphorous and I’ve got more pesticides. I checked my soul pH and its in good range. So I’m stuck here? Any ideas guys?

I think your dose of PK should level this off. If so then you just need to keep pace with this plant. It could just be a fast growing girl.

Yea I’m def keeping a close eye. The girls have been going thru a growth spurt. I hope it’s that. Because I’ve been doing pretty good with feeding schedule and fresh water irrigation.
But in all, great experiences for my first grow!

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Plant could be locking out. It happens then it doesnt uptake certain nutes

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Damn I hope not . I checked my runoff pH . Was looking good … in the 6 range.

As @lotus710 was saying it could be locking up not due to ph problems necessarily but an excess of macro nutrients, I’ve read today that excessive PK could lock out calcium, I don’t know what Cal Def looks like but could be part of the problem ! Try kicking the botttle and let nature be in control amendment of compost/ vermacastings , the plant is in control of what it needs if your force feeding your plant Could be some issues down the road ! Hope this helps!


This is correct. Calcium and magnesium are commin problems. This is why EVERY company trys shoving calmag bottles down your throat. You can make water soluable calcium and magnesium using egg shells vinegar and a bit of epsom salts. But thats a quick fix. What you need is a healthy soil where lots of calcium and magnesium and there readily available when the plant needs it. Force feeding is un natural.


Damn . A lot of info I’m retaining . Never knew the methods of naturally making your own NPK . So of course I went the noob route and bottle all bottle nutes. I’m taking notes for my next run


Super easy bro. Take plants. Mix 1:1 sugar. Cover loosely. Leavefor 14 days strain. Feed at 1:1000 ex. 1ml per 1000ml water.


yea im afraid thats what im encountering. I just fed em again . I just cut back on the nutes. It seems this particular strains wants alot of Nitrogen. Good thing these are just bagseeds so it just testing until Im ready to invest in top grades. Im starting to feel like a real botanist lol.


Bagseeds are gonna grow much different forsure. Youll be super impressed.

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Yea I was impressed from germination. It tailed so quickly almost 2 inches within a day. I have some autos now germinating and they are taking forever to pop