2024 Nothing is growing

I have sprouts but nothing seems to want to take hold and grow this season. Last year or so things have gone downhill it seems something is wrong. Drying out yellowing leaves brown spots. Nothing has changed . Maybe it’s just me. How’s your grow ok? The Sun looks like a giant white overpriced LED rig .No more yellow in the light. Bright white cold non warm light. Plants don’t want to take.


Yeah, i feel your pain :man_shrugging:t2: I damped off a few seeds not too long ago, and I’ve had great seed-popping game up until that

My typical method is each seed in a solo cup half full of coco, that coco flooded with cal mag-rich water pH to 6.2ish. Baggie for a dome until they pop, almost always 2-3 days upwards of 4 days, never taken more than 5 days.

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The plants usually grab the Sun and go but this year the Sun seems cold. It IS winter still so we’ll see how it goes. Just a spidey sense.


When I grew outdoors I’d always have to plant on or around 4/20 because any sooner and they would reveg, any later and they wouldn’t get over 3-4’ tall. I live in a zone that’s pretty good for most plants but I’d always wait until the sun looked a little more yellow than white.

Also call me crazy but the sun was way more yellow when I was a kid.

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My guess is Temps
Watermelon for instance demands soil Temps
Above 68 or they just stall
Most plants like the Temps up around 68 f in soil


This is happening even after a
Complete sanitization with new dirt. Since last august my grow has gone to this. Almost every plant


Every plant is dying even seed plants. No matter what light I use. I have ZERO bugs.

Also the sediment from my water tap has a red color like clay. Never seen red color in my water. It started happening last fall. Settled water ring in clean toilet is RED. Never ever has any water ring been red. Draw your own conclusions.

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Humidifier photo. Red color in any standing water

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Whatever i do or change this happens



Excess fe in your water? You can google your water quality report…are you on well water?


Filter your water, before use?
My well water, is 7.01 PH, but carries around 575 ppm’s, been that for the past 20+ years.
I used it, that way (without filtration) for a long while.
After, I went and bought a decent whole house filter, installed it , checked it after I swap filters a few times, PH still at 7.01 but PPM’s are now a steady 250.
Good luck!


If your water isn’t clear I will second the filter suggestion… your tap water is a big unknown and, unknown stuff in your water can potentially cause a lockout, you want to minimize your unknowns.

Your pics are screaming Calcium deficiency, it looks like a pH issue. Have you checked your runoff pH? Or maybe performed a slurry test?

  • Check the runoff/ slurry pH first, if its off try to get it where it needs to be.
  • If the pH of the runoff looks good, implying the plants should be growing better, then I would seriously consider getting a filter.

@SkunkHunt101 Have things gotten better?


Things have gotten better as I increased the nutrients. It appears as if these sour and crosses like a ton of nutrients. The pine tar kush x pine tar gush is growing and flowering well getting hit with 2 Sowahh F2 males.for seeds. I am still getting some strange leaf issues but overall better thank you! .

Cabo Wabo seems to be the secret ingredient though


They look so much better!

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Yes along side the Tequila I went to night time flowering and that helps tremendously with the previous posters comment about temps. Daytime in the NE has been extremely hot. Night flowering with proper light disipline has helped a ton. TY. These plants are HUNGRY must feed them a ton in the summer it seems.

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Calcium and every other nutrient deficient for sure. These plants need a ton of food. Good call thanks.

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serveimagec Thank you OG