Organic rat rid

Id take a big jar of cayenne, pour a gallon of boiling water on it and soak it for 24 hours, then dilute into 5 gallons and spray. Its going to be freaking spicy. Maybe a drop or 2 of dawn, since capsaicin a waxy lipid molecule and doesn’t dissolve into water that well.


SOAP! I forgot that part, yes, thank you! I’ll definitely give your method a go.

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Add in a pack of lucky strikes and a few crushed garlic cloves and thats my dads garden bug spray. Stuff is amazing. He learned how to make it from my grandpa, an asparagus and horseradish farmer.

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If you want to get full on Looney Tunes, make a bunch of these but with scary level of torque.

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And have it pointed at a board with nails pounded through it! Genius!

Fuck rats

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I had about 30 goats plus chickens several years ago and my neighbor had a serious rat problem…I won’t go into why but he put out poison and all his rats came to my house and moved in under an outbuilding. They where getting into my feed.
Well I locked all my animals up one evening and made a big bait pile. I sat back and watched at about 30 yards and when the bait pile was covered with rats I let the 12 gauge roar. The rats exploded…it looked like a bomb going off with several running off but I killed 18 with that one shot…lol, is that organic enough?.. lol :joy::joy:.
Rat terriers are also deadly on them. My brothers killed 38 in a barn one night with my mom’s dog


Sounds like fun @Bullskinner if it didn’t end with me probably doing time or paying a seriously outrageous fine and lawyer fee. So I’ll stick with the not going to jail methods for now.

@anon93244739 I have in the past boiled tobacco and sprayed my yard, I think I’ve stopped doing the yard for sake of the worms. But cayenne pepper is just a block away at one of the many dollar store. I grow my own tobacco so I do have plenty to burn, ha ha.
This sounds like my plan. Thanks for your thoughts fellow kind farmers


I just saw a YouTube video of some little terriers jacking 100’s of rats up! They just break their necks and go after the next rat. It was brutal but you gotta do what you gotta do. Oh they used an excavator to move the ground around and they moved the shed a few feet over… good luck man!

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@JohnnySeed my mom’s was as rat killing sob. We would put a garden hose in the holes and they would come running out. Like you said, she would grab one and shake it a couple times, throw it aside and grab the next one, she was crazy to watch

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With her hand? Your moms a G! I’m stepping on it! Lol

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Her rat terrier, I was assuming you had read my post a couple post up

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This one rat the dog chomped was filled with botfly larvae, it was mental when they detected the host was dead and started squirming out through all these holes!!! GROSS! I had to video tape it.


Ha ha! I was picturing some crazy stuff going down! Lol. My bad, I did read it, read what I wanted it to say though. Lol. Sorry bro!

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Re reading that I see how that happened :joy::joy::joy:

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Ewww! Man have you guys ever seen the wasps that inject their larva into horn worms? And the larva eat the worm alive and start making cocoons on the side of the horn worm. If you ever see this don’t kill it! They are helping kill the other bugs! The wasps are our helpers! Nasty though!

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I was picturing the mom from Chrisly knows best, breaking necks! lol

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