DaHoodGnome's Place to Learn, Grow, and Heal

So this is my first post on here. I hope I get this right.

First, a little about me and my set up. I had done a few mildy successful grows back in '09-'10 under a 400w MH/HPS set up. Due to living situations I had to get rid of the gear and kind of move on in another direction. Ten years later I’ve circled back and wanted to get growing again so I picked up a cheap 100w LED, hung it in my living room and popped some beans. Sub optimal conditions led me to buy a tent.

Currently I am growing in a ACI Cloudlab 632 (20"x36"x62"), I have a Cloudline T4 4’’ exhaust, and a Cloudforge T3 (Humidifier) hooked into vanilla Controller 69. As for a light I upgraded from a SF1000D to an Ionframe EVO 3. The light is pretty strong and I havent had it up passed 50%.

So. Onto my current grow.

Because of size constraints I am going to attempt to do a small scale SoG in what I belive is only 5 square.

I started 23 seeds in tottal. 18 being from a collection of bag seeds I have, 5 were Femenized The White OG from Seedsman.

One week later… Can you guess which ones the bought seeds are?

Almost all of the bag seed popped (I think 6 didn’t) and only 2 of the 5 white ogs made it out of the soil. Kind of sad about that. But we are one week in from germination and the seedlings are happier then any I’ve had before. Temps have been around 23-20 degrees celsius, RH was set at 80% just up until yesteday, I brought it down to 70%. None have been watered since the 1oz I gave them when I planted and the odd spray from my mister if the medium looked real dry. Sometime this week I may top off the solo cups with more “soil”.
I plan on transplanting all of them into 1gal plastic containers, vegging until theyre 12ish inches tall and flipping the light.
I’m hopping for a good ratio of M/F from the reg bag seeds, worst case I end up vegging a little longer then I’d like to fill out the tent.

Well I guess that is it for this installment. I look forward to continue sharing my journey of learning here. Please feel free to comment, any advice from you wonderfully knowledgable people here at OG would be much appreciated.



Happy growing !:grinning: I am curious what kind of bag seeds are they ?


Thanks @Sourpatch707 ! They’re just random seeds found in flower from a friend and then some that my pug threw me that he’d collected or was gifted. Unfortunately they were never labled or cataloged and were all mixed together in bags when I got them. From this point I will be labeling the seeds to know what bag they came from, and thats about as good as I can do for now.

Giving same feed to different strains could be complicated, someone’s won’t be delighted about that. Check out plants with this décoloration pattern, hope not but could be Tobacco Mosaic Virus:

Following along, wishing you the best results for this experiment … popcorn


Thanks @George ! I’m glad you said something about that I was curious if it was TMV or not. Could that spread to the others? I’m going to google as soon as I send this reply.

Yes, it can, check this:

Having more seeds maybe it would be a good option to cull them once confirmed and start new ones, better to be safe than sorry… beer3|nullxnull


I wouldn’t worry about it, even from the picture in that link TMV has other symptoms so would wait unless it grows funny.

Plenty of healthy plants (cannabis and otherwise) have variegation I wouldn’t cull plants because of it.

Especially if you don’t have a big collection of fancy clones to put at risk it’s a silly thing to make a new grower worry about :upside_down_face:

I say happy growing!


Thanks for the concern @George it is really appreciated. I will keep a diligent eye on it and make sure to be more sanatary while handeling anything with in the tent to minimize the risk of any spread.
I think I might just let this run out. If I time it correctly I maybe done with this and potentally get another indoor harvest done around the same time as my outdoor should be readdy to chop. But I am not the best at maths so I may be off by a bit.

And to you @Sourpatch707, I am with you on that one. I understand the risks i’m taking popping a bunch of unknown genetics. Basically I’m going to keep popping these seeds until I see some intersex traits, anyother undesirable issues pop up, or until theyre gone. Funny thing is the small seedling with the discoloration is actually The white og I bought from seedsman.


Good morning OG!

It has been another week and theres been a bit of growth in the tent.

Everyone got a 1/4 strength dose of Future Harvest Hollands Secret on Sunday. Some are hungerier then others.

I have run into some issues with my light. I’m still trying to figure out distance and power for the different stages of growth.
I had the light set to 10% (28w), at a hieght of 24 inches, and on for 24 hrs, for the first two weeks.
On the 22nd of march I turned the light up to 20% and set the hieght up to 30 inches. I checked the PPFD with the Photone app and it read around 100-110 depending on where in the tent I checked. I don’t feel I’m getting an accurate reading or the amount of light was really too much.

The White OG’s, which I already knew where light sensitive from my last run, where behaving as before, slow growth, yellowing, etc.

They aren’t sicly by any means, but they are not taking the abuse the same as the others.

Some of the other issues I was seeing include serated leaves, some tacoing on one plant, bleached spots on some leaves, and what looks like trichomes?? perhaps trying to slap on that sun screen. I maybe wrong, but I’m sure someone here could inform me better.

This one serated, did some tacoing, and also stayed very compact.

Here are the bleached spots and presummed trichomes on two different plants, each only on one leaf.

And then there was this one I found this morning.

I pulled it out of the cup and it was getting root bound as well as pretty dry. I wattered them all and set the limp one to the side. If it doesnt pick itself up then it’s kicked out of the tent.

Everyone needs to be transplanted soon. I had initialy planned on 1 gal plactic nursery pots. Funds are tight this month so I may need to get creative. I do have fabric pots in 7, and 3 gallon. But I can just fit two 7 gal in here and I think I might get 5 or 6 of the 3 gals in but it would be a tight fit.

We will see how things pan out over the next few days.

Thats it for now. Time for more coffe and another spliff!

:v: :green_heart: :rainbow:

Edit: I forgot to mention that I did indeed turn the light back down to 10% when I noticed the issues.


Following along! I’m very interested in how you manage to max the yield in a 2x3. Soon I am going to get my 2x4 tent set up, similar size overall. I am also planning on using as many 3 gallon pots as I can fit in there.

Just a head’s up, those spots in your last pictures might not be trichomes. This seems way too early for those to be forming. Possibly spider mite eggs?

Good luck on your grow!


Might have some :fire: on your hands have seen that w/ some super frosty genetics like LA Con or Cookies hybrids.

IDK where you are @ but someone near you is probably giving them away. Nurseries, recycling centers, garage sales, FB market and garden clubs usually have free used pots. If you’re down to clean/bleach them you can get free pots.


Thanks for the concern @emeraldbullfrog ! After close examination of each plant and a load of reading I can confidently say that they not are spider mite eggs. Damage from spider mites was my next guess, but I did a very thorough examination of all my plants (house plants included) while I was transplanting yesterday and could not find any signs of mites any where. The lack of mites coupled with the 70-75% humidity in my tent has lead me to the conclusion that they are non existant as of now.


Thanks @Sourpatch707, I really hope so! And I obtained my pots! Going to upload some pics and a small update here after I water. I had to deal with some life things this morning and I’m just now geting medicated. :slight_smile:


Here are some shots from inside the tent this morning!

Everyone looks like they took the transplant well! But they need a drink!

Some are looking a little sadder then others but over all they seem fine.

First I’d apologize for any formating issues. I think I have a better understanding now, and moving forward I will do better to keep things tidier.

As for the plants. I went over them all with a fine tooth comb (magnifying glass) while I did my transplanting yesterday. I could find no sign of any pests. All the plants are showing obvious signs of light stress in many different ways so I think the spotting I had observed was just that.

The only two plants to get stunnted growth where the white ogs (center), Although they hadn’t grown as much as the others I thought I might as well transplant them anyway, and to my surprise they had comparable root development to all the others, of which only a few had started to ring around the bottoms of the cups, and the rest held the soil well making for easy work.

I split 3.5ish liters of water ph @ 6.4 as evenly as I could amongst them.

The light is still set to 28w and 24" above the canopy.

Temps are pretty consistant sitting around 22 Celsius in the day, and 19 at night. Humidity between 70-75%.

I’m going to give them a couple days to bounce back and then start them on a 1/2 strength dose of nutrientes.

Thanks for all the kind words and positivity sent my way. I really appreciate it!

Ciao for now! :rainbow: :v: :green_heart:


Is said above picture before or after watering ? i presume before.

and as the plants start taking in water and throwing roots again, you can increase your light amount from your 10% 24w to say 20-30% right now as your a decent distance away and that level for your space is quite low light levels but your watering will have to coincide as your 250ml per plant you just watered with wont last very long depending on how dry the repot soil was.

Previous issues look more like just inconsistent or inadequate watering as the issue plants look kinda dry soil wise.

Have you done a saturation test on a media filled empty pot to see how much water it can hold just so you know the weight difference as a metric to go by, like dry vs wet weight and aiming for somewhere in between.

Also there likely is enough residuals in your media nutes wise that you don’t have to start feed for a bit yet.


Hey @Mr.Sparkle! Thanks for stopping by and sharing some knowledge!

Yes the picture was before watering and the medium was saturated at the time of transplanting. There was just bearly a drip of moisture as I squeezed it in my hand. So I didn’t feel the need to water right then wanting to avoid over saturating the media because this stuff holds water.
It’s called WP420. I bought it instead of pro mix because… well 420 is in the name and it had pretty packaging with flowers, tomatos, and a pot plant. But anyway. It’s a blend of peat moss, perlite, wood fibre and a wetting agent. And it is pre charged at 0.09 - 0.06 - 0.13 . I will hold off on the feeding for now. But will increase the amount next watering, trying for slight run off.

Thats good to know! I was definitely trying not to over water and I guess I started to go the other way!
I will increase the amounts of water given, over time, to my future seedlings!

I did not do a saturation test. And to be honest I never even thought to do one. I will fill a 1 gal tomorrow and give it a good soak to get a good read on the weight.

Thanks again! I really appreciate the insight. Especially in regards to the light intensity increasing as the plants need to take up more water. I just jumped the gun this time. So I will make sure I’m more observant now, and on future runs.


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The whole drop when squeezed that just mean its hydrated not saturated which is good for initial transplants but one could get away with a bit more water, and the wp420 i know the stuff its just another base promix knockoff sold at CndTire its fine, like all peat based mixes though typically they can hold onto alot more water than what one may want if watered heavy so try to avoid listening to any talk about watering to whatever % runoff for the time being not that you were, once the plants are big enough and are going through the water/feed quick enough thats when you typically can start watering heavy and with some feed adn to signs of a little runoff, like peat works well for handwatering just cause the amount of water it can hold onto allows one to have to water less frequently but your always playing the game of being too wet at initial waterings and then possibly going too dry, but its just an experience thing that you will learn in time.

As for the saturation test, when watering to run off allow the pot to sit in a saucer or tray with its run off and come back say 15-20mins later you’ll notice your initial runoff will be alot lower if not gone as the media will have pulled some back especially if your on the dry side, goal is to get to a point where that runoff hasn’t changed and then you can pick the pot up and tilt it to allow and perched water in the pot to drip out till it doesn’t any more maybe with a light bounce or two, that will be your full saturation point.


@DaHoodGnome I always water past full saturation with 10-20% runoff to avoid issues with nutrient buildup. @ transplant it’s important to fully water soil to help the mix settle around the roots otherwise you will get dry pockets and weird drainage. (Meaning runoff before saturation)

In a pot it’s impossible to over water @ one time. You will hurt roots by not letting the soil dry enough between watering or letting them sit in the runoff for more than a few hours.

After transplanting you want to let the soil dry out almost all the way until the plants start wilting to encourage roots to grow and find water. I am totally ok with the thirstiest one (aka strongest roots) starting to wilt a little to find out the limit. Over time you’ll get use to the timing and weight of dry pots.

One exception is a giant pot/bed with a tiny plant that can’t drink the water in ~1 week or so risks getting anaerobic. People use cover crops to help cycle the water until the plant is bigger.

You can also water w/o runoff or recirculate but then you have to be more careful about feeding because you risk throwing off nutrient balance in the soil when some micro nutrients build up faster than others.

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Wow I was really slacking on coming over here and giving an update! My bad y’all!

@Mr.Sparkle and @Sourpatch707 Thank you both very much! The plants all look much happier this morning! I had some learning to do in the watering department for sure.

I did a saturation test on the 3rd (I think). I soaked 1 gallon of media until there was good amount of run off, letting the pot sit in it for 10-15 minutes to fully saturate. I then removed the pot from the run off and held it by one side of the lip allowing any excess water to drip out, I sat it down for a few minutes and repeated this until I wasn’t getting any more run off. I figure this wieght is on the heavy side of what I want but with this information I went into the tent and gave them all a good soak.

This is before watering. Some are looking more thirsty then others.

Mid watering.

Here are some shots from the next day.

Yesterday I pulled a male!

Sorry for the crap picture but I had a hard time getting this to focus. There were clusters in the nodes above this one.

Heres a couple shots of the tent this morning!

I’m fairly confident I got this watering thing down now. I followed the advice of others along with my gut and the plants seem to have responded well!

The plants are really taking off. The white OGs are catching up to the “Watermelon Breath”, which are all still half the hieght of all the others. I’m looking for something to bring those four plants up a couple inches.

And I’m glad to have seen the one male already. I will have a sharp eye on them over the next few days to cull any more. Lets hope for those low numbers!!!

Thank you to everyone whos following along. I am so happy I found this wonderful peice of the internet, and all of you in it!

Ciao! :rainbow: :green_heart: :v:


good to hear, as for raising up certain plants there are kinda two thoughts about it, first is yeah you are trying to get them all on the same level its just as you raise some plants those plants will likely need to be elevated for the rest of the grow, the other thought is let them fight, as once they start feeling likely they are getting crowded they with stretch to compensate and hunt for light, now alot of that is genetics as some like to bush and others stretch some are tall and some are not.

also those plants are just smaller in general right now, and could of had a root issue compared to the others as they look a good 5-7 days behind comparably.

Also you should be able to start cranking up the light say to that 20-30w/sqft range.