Original tuna kush

After I Finnish this next run all send you some seeds .one line all keep just for myself those will be what I share

I got various super skunk crosses but I wanna work those when I can just do superskunks…
94 ssk
91 ask x Americana
91ssk x nl1x stardwag
91 ssk x gg rks
Y2K ssk
Carrion flower

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I planted these in the spring

Nice what kind I wanna plant a Japanese maple one day soon.

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Sharing is caring growmie

I watched a few of your podcasts nice work.
How’s it going today

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Cool :sunglasses: and cool

Busiest 2 weeks of the season just ended.

Time to work on the boat and hit some marine parks

I love the true OG love that has been shared in this post.
Keep it up folks :slight_smile:

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