Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

Thanks, I aim to make ya proud. Soil is promix, perlite/rice hulls, oyster shell flour, gypsum, kelp meal, basalt, fish meal, fish bone meal, crab meal, neem-Karanga, silica amendment, bio char, malted barley, the kitchen sink, :joy:. I water in Rootwise inoculants, 200x Aloe Vera powder during veg, coconut water during flower. If I feel they want it, or I’m feeling particularly profligate, I may water in Cod fish hydrolystate, AgSil 16H and/or CalMag. I know it must sound like ridiculous excess, even dangerous excess, especially since I’ve never had a soil test, but, well, it seems to keep ‘em happy. Tomorrow I’ll post a pic of flower room.
Oh, a huge, ginormous shout out to @BudBusterPro. A weekly application of his secret sauce has noticeably added volume to the first crop on which I used it, they’re in week four of flower. Changed nothing else but spraying with BBP weekly. Big fan of that stuff. I also go heavy on quality worm castings. And add 20-30 worms to a 7 gal grow bag. Top it with a couple inches of mulch.
There’s more than one way to skin a cat, as they say. And there’s more than a few really knowledgeable growers on OG. I seek to stay humble and keep evolving, keep learning. I sometimes feel like a newcomer to this, although I’ve been at it since my 20’s, I’m 64 now. I’m sometimes just amazed that I managed to grow the flowers I’ve grown. Been pretty isolated. No grower friends, ever. The OG scene has been revelatory for me. And I’m so honored to be growing with your crew. I’m super excited about upping my game with genetics from you and @JohnnyPotseed. Honored to be part of the OG community.
Lol, more than you asked for, but there it is!:v::pray:


Wow, brother. That’s the first I saw of your list of ingredients, amendments, nutes, etc. Looks like you got the bull by the horns there! lol Grow on!


Lol I use all of that stuff too. Don’t forget the Barley and corn SST’s! I like to use the Agisil16 as a PH up. A lot of things like SST’s or FPJ are really acidic. People say you don’t have to PH soil but it’s better to make sure I don’t throw it all out of whack. I’ll have to check out that foliar spray. I’ve used heavy16, which is not organic but mainly I just don’t want to put too much salts in my soil. People swear by it. Sounds like you’re on the same track as me. It’s a lot of fun to grow this style.


I keep waiting for the possible imbalance to drop the hammer on me. But cycle after cycle the gals keep smiling at me so I keep doin’ what I’ve been doing. Honestly, I think my weak link has been what you guys offer me: stellar genetics. So, thank you!


This is my soil recipe for anyone interested. I’ve pulled soil samples and it’s in point!

  • [ ] Recipe is per Bale of peat which is approximately 7 CU FT to this I add 7 CU FT Aeration, and 7 CU FT worm castings
  • [ ] Amendments are in cups
  • [ ] 6- fish bone meal
  • [ ] 6-fish meal
  • [ ] 6-crab meal
  • [ ] 6-feather meal
  • [ ] 6- meal worm frass
  • [ ] 6- BSF frass
  • [ ] 6-kelp
  • [ ] 6-neem/karanja/
  • [ ] 6-alfalfa
  • [ ] 20- barley
  • [ ] 20- wheat bran
  • [ ] 20- beet pulp
  • [ ] 20-land manure
  • [ ] 6-oyster she’ll flour
  • [ ] 6-gypsum
  • [ ] 6-lime
  • [ ] Silica
  • [ ] 6- rock phosphate
  • [ ] 1/2 potassium phosphate
  • [ ] 20 basalt
  • [ ] 10 greensand
  • [ ] 10 diatomaceous earth
  • [ ] 8 biochar
  • [ ] 10 humic

I put no liquid on em without knowing/adjusting it’s pH. Old habit from my first hydro crop in ‘88


I never have gotten into all that fancy stuff! lol Sorry folks, I’ve always made my own composted soil mix with veggie, fruit, leavings, eggshells, coffee grounds, all trimmed plant matter - including the stalks/stems, twigs. Worm castings and perlite, while tossing in several hundred red wigglers every 6 months or so. My plants love it, the pH is always on point(check it periodically)
More than one way to skin a cat, right? lol


Lmao, dude! You too are profligate!:joy:

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Definitely more than one way! I like it that way. Different inputs bring out different flavors and smells. I wish I knew how guys were growing some of the flower I got 20 years ago. Some was incredibly flavorful.


I’ve mentioned to you before, I admire your holistic methodology. I aspire to it! My situation has often been flying by the seat of my pants. I could buy what my circumstances disallowed my making. But, as they say, proofs in da pudding’. Beautiful, terpene rich flowers give happiness, however they’re achieved.


lol I’ve been using that mix of mine for over 40yrs, cuz. I moved to indoor growing in the winter of '84 and ain’t looked back.

ooops, lol ALMOST 40yrs


Hey, I’m not knocking technology, brother! I love it, and use it on a lot of things. Like my LED lighting, for instance. I’m just oldschool in a lot of ways also, lol ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ type. I’ve been growing delicious Ganja all my life using methods taught to me by grampa n pop. It’s worked for this family of mine over 100 yrs I know for a fact, since gramps grew/sold/toked till the day he passed at 92yrs old in '68

When I was growing outdoors, it was a bit different, but close. I’d amend the soil in the holes dug for the plants.


I bet you were the connect everyone wanted back in the day! We had good stuff around here but if you didn’t have connections you were getting beasters from Canada.

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I recall @Pigeonman telling someone, about you, he’s likely forgotten more about growing cannabis than most of us will ever know. . You and Ottafish, others too, growing up in multi-generational cannabis families are for-real advantaged. Me, I made a thousand and one mistakes which had a mentor been around my despair would doubtless have been mitigated, by degree at least. But we all walk the path in front of us. I love being here now!:call_me_hand:


I realized there was something ‘different’ about our farm/family life early on! I had to caution my sons the same way gramps and pop did me…SHHHHH! Say nothing! lol It was a wild childhood, that I’ll say. Big family of growers too, pop was the baby of 13 kids, I had a passle of cousins always around, and at harvest time it was ‘all hands on deck’ 20-30 cousins, aunts & uncles, gramps and even grandma


Musta made for short stints in trim jail!:grinning:

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lol Sorry to semi-hijack yer thread here @Ottafish my friend, jump in here so I don’t feel so bad, please! lol


This depends on how much weed you grow :wink:


That’s awesome! What a cool generation to grow up in.

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Lol, you’re right!

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