Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

:rofl: :scream: :rofl: :crazy_face: :rofl: :+1: There was enough for everyone all the next year, and more than plenty for gramps to sell!

edit… put it like this, there were always HUNDREDS of pounds sitting in the barn


Oh no! This thread is for everyone. Post away! I’m enjoying it!


That’s what I love about this place. One might think it would tend towards balkanization, but the community aspect of it transcends the various groupings.


lol What can I say? I’m stoned-stupid atm and as everyone knows, I can tend to get downright loquacious & verbose when in this state!
We blended up 4-5 strains for our evening smoking pleasure. Starting with Frankenstein
Just finished doobie #4 in our 10 doobie evening smoking

edit… er, does that qualify me as a ‘high-functioning pothead’?!
this is a weeks worth of roaches, lol We break em down and blend in with the rest. Some have already been broken down/blended in. lol


As for me, always a pleasure! If a fella could collect the grower tales hidden away in the lives of OGers, and distill them into a book, it’d be resplendent with so much that because it was outlaw life, will be lost and unknown.


Hey man, I have to ask, what’s your all time favorite strain? Too 3? You’ve been around the scene longer than me so I’d love to hear your thoughts.


Really, brother?! lol You gotta ask?? FRANKENSTEIN of course! lol Followed by probably every other strain I’ve smoked over the years, all tied for 2nd place! lol
For over 20+ yrs now, we’ve smoked Frankenstein on a daily basis. All our family and friends try to do the same, lol Ya know how it is when you smoke the same strain day in and day out for awhile… you get that ‘mehhhh’ feeling. Frankenstein is one you never become immune or inured to. She always performs! Not BS, brother.


Haha, so what’s the Frankenstein consist of? Is that a old strain your family has held onto?


In 1998 I bought seeds from the top 20 world class consistent strains. It took me 3.5 yrs to blend them, and another 1.5yrs to smooth her out.
She wasn’y bred for commercial release, but out of love for the plant and a need for a ‘combo strain’ for the wife and me, pain meds as well as pleasure. All our family & friends got to asking for only her when they came by for any, it got shared all up n down the east coast. Making it’s way all the way to th west coast. I gave away seeds & clones ( I had thousands of seeds from the breeding program)to a lot of friends all over the country, telling them to grow/share/sell/or whatever, just don’t use my name! ( I was growing in an illegal state)
Her lineage is;
White Russian
Sour Diesel
The Pure(Skunk#1)
White Rhino
Hawaiian Snow
then added Maui Wowie
and crossed back with;
White Russian BX1
sour diesel BX1
She’s been grown as a ‘clone-only’ plant all these yrs, until last year a reversal/seed run was done by a few here. She’s into her 6th gen of clone now
I usually keep a mother anywhere from 3-6yrs, then retire her into the budroom for one last gifting, Picking the best clone(s) for new mother(s)

lol You asked, and the answer isn’t a shortun, brother!When we moved back to Oklahoma in 2018, it’s legal here, plus we got a license from the state to grow commercially for sale to the dispos. I didn’t mind my name becoming known then!


That’s awesome man! That’s kinda what I’m doing. I don’t really care about the lineage too much. I’m more interested in finding something I really like by blending a bunch of my favorite strains.


That’s how i came up with the name, and you be careful there! You may well come up with something the world loves! Good luck in the hunt/process!
I wouldn’t try it again, especially at my age! It’s a pure PITA, with more ‘nopes’ than ‘yeps’ N toss em into the budroom to flower out n forget about, or move onto the next round/level.
I’m talking literally hundreds of red solo cups with seedlings, all numbered, cataloged, and recorded.
Grow em up, pot into larger pots, take clones of, then flower out to test. If no go, toss all clones into flower mode. etc
NOT something I’m willing to go through again, lol The wife told me (truly,actually) to put myself a cot in the grow rooms, cause I was in there all day & night anyhow!


One more thought for ya, cuz. If you’re gonna do all that. To not care so much about the lineage mightb e something you want to think about. To put all the labor required into a project like that, you will want the very best you can get! Just MHO

And, I’m gonna go offline now, folks. Cyas tomorrow.


Day 6 flower update they are reaching for the sky for sure can’t wait to see how far they stretch


If you want to see some stretch give them a barley sprout SST lol


Yeah I track it all now, but I was thinking it would be cool to just plant a shitload of seeds, like more than I plan to track, and just select from them year after year until I find what I’m looking for.


Nothing wrong in that, either.Sounds like you’ll have fun in the process of elimination.


Moving along :slight_smile: The one TDxSB in the center is not happy compared to the rest lol. I guess I’ll have to give it a little bit extra lovin to get it back on track, but nothing that’ll make the others jealous.


Come on little plant! You can do it! Haha


It just dawned on me… lol Frankenstein! That’s a fitting name. The strain was out together with a bunch of strains… l


Hello OG
Hope all is well with everyone
Quick group shot.
I think I’m week 5 or 6 not sure
Just waiting on hem to show me gender :smiley:
I got rid of the ugly duckling
The leaves just seemed to look worse now that it’s older .
Oh well
3 SB in the middle row.