Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

Wow guys…. well done! Everything looks great. I wasn’t sure how the terps on the SB x Nana Glue would turn out. Sounds like in the middle of the two. Nana has moss/ Chem/ gas terps and knocks ya on your ass. SB has more fruit/floral terps and high THC as well. But honestly THC isn’t the main factor in the high. The other compounds come into play more for how high it gets ya.
Sorry to everyone waiting on seeds. I’ve had some technical difficulties lately in life and haven’t had time to do that or be on here. I have a three year old by myself full time, recently had to drop 3800 on a new transmission in my car, and hit for the second time in the last four months by a dumbass with no insurance last weekend in my truck, along with being sick. So… I think I’m all out of bad karma at this point. I’ll get the seeds out soon.

I hope you all have a good thanksgiving with family, friends, both, or buy some steaks. That’s what we did cause we’re all sick again and aren’t going to my aunts. :cut_of_meat::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::v:t3:


Get well soon! :green_heart:


Happy Thanksgiving man! All the good karma you gathered just on this site should kick in and bring your holidays back around to happy. Plants look amazing and I hope you and your boy get well man.


Day 50 under 11/13 light schedule. I’m going another 20 days. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Very lite feeding throughout the whole life cycle using.
Veg - Fox Farm Big Bloom LPF (15ml), Grow Big(7ml) in 1 gallon mixes.
Flower -Tiger Bloom(7ml), Big Bloom LPF (15ml) in 1 gallon mixes.
Only fed (3ml) of Cal Mag once in week 4.

Water only till chop now.

(SB x LA) x GTH
Bubblegum scents
The smallest plant in the tent, 12 inches tall. :grin:



SB x (PR x BV)

All are very sweet, berry scents. Buds probably will fill out a little more in this last week, then start to finish off.

No purple.
Sweet, Berry
Bud size similar to C

Plant with most purple
Super sweet fruit.

Slight purpling
Smallest buds

The oddball pheno. Mutant cola?
Largest colas or an illusion from the sugar leaves.
Sugar leaf rub is very blueberry.

It looks like a seed or two on this one from the Haze/sk1 pollen.
Most likely won’t be alive long enough to mature.

A,C,D Clones. Tossed the E cuts, now I wish I didn’t later on in flower. Oh well.

Thank again brotha.
You should be in the clear now, I always say it happens in threes
Have a great thanksgiving, Hope you and the family get better! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I am noticing a sweeter/bubblegum scent off the squatter ones. I reckon the taller lankier #1 is giving off the spicier/lemony zest juice due to being maybe haze dom. I know for sure there’s alot of complexity going on and I’m really looking forward to how they finish up.

Hope you guys had a good thanksgiving @Ottafish take the time if you can to get well boss keep on rolling life work kids gets a bit much I know. Appreciate you sharing your work im stoked with the general growth and health :+1:


Nice, recipe

1 Like

Hello og
Hope all is well yesterday was 6 weeks of flower.
Day 42 o flower today.
Well looks like the sb in the front right didn’t make.
Poor girl just never recovered from that starvation.
So I pulled her out


Ok NGxSB in the front.
She’s frosty and summit as hell


2 sugar belts in the rear looking fire fire fire



Going into week 3 of flower for the sb/la x gth they’re getting thirsty nowadays. Gave them a soil drench with 1ml per litre of mango fermented fruit juice (FFJ) yesterday





The entire room the closet is in reeks like berries and citrus. It still has that typical “growing bud” smell too, but there is no mistaking the berry/citrus wafting in the air. Smells fantastic!
I took a small bud from each of them last week to let dry just as tester nugs. Tried the NGxSB2 on Saturday, and the TSxNG last night. Both taste/smell great, really frosty, and surprisingly for how little I did smoke, I got pretty stoned both times. Very excited to see how they all turn out once fully finished, dried, cured etc.


Nice job man! They look really good. I haven’t grown the Tangerine Dream cross yet. I’m glad to hear the citrus came through. They look like they’re going to be really potent.


Looking good man! That Sour Bubble loves a little extra Cal Mag if I didn’t mention that yet. This is really fun to see everyone grow on here. I’m slowly working on processing the plants from all the new outdoor strains I crossed. I’ll update the tester list when I get the seeds separated.


Your crosses all look fire @Ottafish . The ng x sb looks amazing. You do good work man. Good job to all the testers also.


@Ottafish how many days of Flower for the Sugar belts? And the Nana glue x sugar belts also.
Thank you in advance.
Looks like I will be chopping down 2 weeks from Monday .
I have a vacation coming on the week of Christmas and unfortunately can’t run them forn10 weeks if need be.


8-9 weeks for the ngxsb is what he told me…I did leave a couple branches on my ngxsb tho and it smokes soo much better than the ones I cut at 8 weeks


Sounds good.
Sounds like I should be ok with 9 1/2 weeks if needed.
Buds are looking amazing

I will update with some pics tomorrow on their 7th week of flower or beginning of.


Here’s a pic of mine that went 9 1/2 weeks


Looks solid and tasty man great work


So cool to see so many rocking my bro’s work… his strains are made from nothing but the best and your grows people are a great proof of just that…
The structure is beautiful in them vegging plants and OMG… what a bud.

I passed out a bunch on another site and people are raving about the Nana Glue x… Keep killing it Ottafish and sharing what you do…