Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

Here’s some pics of two Sugar Belts plants a buddy is growing. They’re turning purple like the Sugar Cane mom. He’s reporting blueberry/floral smells. Which was what I had.They’re looking like they’re going to finish into some top shelf :fire: These are at day 45. I believe they’ll take 70

I cropped out the two plants in the front. But you can see the color contrast from the green ones. The Sugar Belts turning purple as they get closer to finishing.


Looks great! Your mate is killing it! :fire::grinning::+1:


Yeah beautiful plants! Looks top notch


Beautiful plants you’ve got there! I will grow out whichever you would like to see grown. I can/will pop seeds as soon as I have them in my possession. I’m on a hunt for something but I am unsure of what so I try to grow as big a variety as possible. I’ve been in prohibition land for my entire life so I’m late to the party and it’s got me making up for lost time. New genetics are always exciting! Thanks for doing this, keeping the OG spirit alive.


Awesome man! Welcome to the thread and thank you for joining in! I’ll send you a PM for info.


I’m thinking for sure 1 strain maybe 2 I can pop seeds end of august or so.
If that’s cool then count me in :+1::+1:.
Strains sound and look to good to pass up.
Thanks again for your generous offer.


You bet man and thank you for joining in!


Seems to me, you’re doing a real favor for folks and yet, with a humble graciousness, framing as you being the recipient of a favor.
I find that very cool indeed and characteristic of what appears to be OG culture.
Loving win/wins always, please consider me for SB x Nana Glue or Ayahuasca x SB. I can start soon and will be happy to document the process.
Appreciate you!


Awesome man! Thanks for joining in! This is going to turn into something big! Lots of folks are getting involved. It’s really exciting! I’m glad to help where I can. It’s fun to me, I mean why not. I’ll
Send ya a pm! Thanks again!


There will definitely be more available. This is a disease I’ve had since I was 13 and I have no plans to cure it :joy::rofl::joy::clap:t3::clap:t3: 🪴


I mailed out the first set of letters to the first 5 on the list Tuesday. I have tomorrow, and the weekend off so I will try and get them out by Saturday! I need to get some more mailing supplies and package the seeds. I have all the rest of your letters filled out! Maybe I can package the seeds tonight. It’s hard though with my little 3 year old helper. He’s a real hell raiser lol


Here’s the last of my Sour Bubble stock. I have 2-3 more to do a seed increase because I don’t want to loose this cultivar. I sprouted the last of my original stock and plan on doing an open pollination with my F2 stock. I will also use the males to pollinate a few other plants. So many choices and not enough time. It’s a lot of fun!


Attn: If anyone just doesn’t want to deal with this guy, I have a few of his seeds…

hahaha… hey, Ottafish thought it was funny… but seriously, anyone wanting to do trades of his gear, I’ve been asked to help him out… I have almost all of these and will share the ones I have plenty of for any wanting to do trades…
shoot me a DM…


Yep I only have so much time. Carty has a masters degree in bartering and is a respected member here. He’s the OG of OG so… if anyone wants to do a little bartering send him a PM. Thanks Carty!


Teamwork my brother… and people, I’ve had the honor of toking a few samples and Ladybug of all people coughed… and then got a great nights sleep she said.
Get ya some


Lol yeah it’s real knockout weed. I think a lot of that has to do with taking it a few extra weeks to let the seeds ripen up as much as possible. Plus the potency is there. But I smoke it and I can’t keep my eyes open :sleeping:


@Ottafish whatever the hell is in the second pic (bright green) I’ll gladly grow that out. Can pop them within the next week! Looks like some OG dumpster

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thank you for the awesome adventure with the plants, cant wait to star my journal



All the letters are packaged. I think two coin flips (two strains) are going to be the max size to send per letter. Two letters came in at just under an ounce with 3. 1 ounce is the limit per first class stamp. Let me know when you get them. Hopefully this will tag you all but I’m not sure. Still learning! Letters will fly tomorrow!


tagged, i am in there…thank you brother
will have this journal started as soon as they hit my mailbox.