Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

Ya I’m sure. I’ve seen ppl try to grow tomatoes in those small black plastic pots. :joy: I was worried about the SIPs getting too hot outside but they’ve so far been ok. There’s nothing like planting right in the ground tho.


Yeah I know it can really get hot down there. I guess it may be smarter to plant where you get sun in the morning and early afternoon and shade in the evening. I bet you could grow some awesome long flowering sativas down there.

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Four score and seven months ago I found her. :grin:

SB x [PR x BV] keeper clones

Two on Week 7, Two on week 6.

I wanted to ask what were the outdoor 23 males in the couple crosses?
I’ll be getting into the seeds you sent soon brotha, Hope you had a great week. Many thanks again!


Shoot man I’d have to look where ever the paper is where I wrote it down. I had a big Sour Bubble, a Ghost Train Haze, A Black Strawberry Preserve, Klingon Kandy, a Banana Butter Cups( This one really didn’t drop much pollen if any. Certain plants were placed together to make the crosses as best I could
There will be some cross pollinations from most all males. But I kinda like it.You find some wild cards. I kinda like breeding a female to a bunch of males. That way you can get far more crosses to try. It’s kinda nice knowing lineage, but to me I just want to find special plants I like.
Don’t get me wrong though, usually I want to cross specific strains. There’s so many good ones though…
Next plants a breed will be a good terpy mix. Paonia Purple Paralyzer, Maui Mango Haze, and Jack The Ripper. I’ll prob use a PPP male because it’s a solid strain. They’re all extremely stinky and different so it will be cool to see what smells come from those ones.


Grew some Oaxaca and Odisha last year. The Odisha was a male and still took all year into the winter. :joy:


Yeah I’m interested in the really stinky Thai types.
Haven’t grown any yet.


Thats a nice variety of pollen!

Oh yea, Special plants just waiting to be discovered!
I like the potential in the multiple male crosses. I’m currently running the two Mysts crosses from @Guitarzan that he used 5 different original Snowhigh males he called The Boys.

The Boys:
Blazing Dragon (’76 Maui Wowie x Burmese)
Purple Thai Haze F2 (Neville’s Haze F3 x Purple Thai F1)
Devil’s Tit (Durban Poison x Acapulco Gold x C99)
Acapulco Gold (Mexican Landrace Sativa)
Angola Red (African Landrace Sativa)

Almost a part of every continent’s genetics in these crosses. Wild to think about.

Very nice lineup! PPP keeps popping up, synchronicity like. Stoked to see what you make with either her/him! Hope you have a relaxing weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Purple Thai Haze… that one intrigues me!


Have these in the windows and really wished I could get them outside but high winds and 4 legged plant carnivores are making it a temporary fix. I have one other tiny one I decapitated and it is coming back! Incredibly vigorous can’t wait to see them get more size! From left to right plant 5 and 6 are interesting, more squat stature. The smaller ones to the right of 5 and 6 are younger so will need to see how they shake out here when I finally can get them outside!

SB x LA. x GTH


@Ottafish, I have not been on OG long, but I have known Carty for a couple years now, we pretty much text back and forth on a daily basis.
I believe he has sent me some of your work.
I am currently on page 46 of this thread, and still making my way towards the end.
See anything that looks familiar in my list of beans?



Sugar Belts I have going right now.


Sugar belts crosses filling out better. Still no gender yet. These have a very Dank stink to them when rubbed up against, probably one of the strongest in veg I’ve personally grown. :+1: Greenhouse



They look like they’re about big enough to handle any bugs. What kind of 4 legged carnivores do you have around? I’m guessing deer.
It’s amazing to me once the plants sink their roots in and established they just take off, your look like they’re about there. So they’re going outside? What kind of climate do you live in?


Yep about half of the second page are from me. Have you grown any yet?

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Awesome man! There’s a lot of people growing outside this year. It looks like most people are in a way better environment than me, so it’ll be cool to see how things turn out. Are you going to be putting them in the ground or a pot?

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A couple I’ll be setting on the ground with the velcro bottoms removed. Gonna try and fit a couple in the tent too in a few weeks, those I’ll stack on/in other pots for more soil as these are only 2 gallon. Probably stack them on some 3 gallon pots.


Love to hear this level of planning @Kasper0909.

I am using some 15 gal air pots to Chimney the “OG row” this Summer. Just in case the Farmers field has a soggy edge again this summer, it automatically has the plants higher… drier and hopefully safer


Sugar Belts.


Passion Fruit.

I believe these all came from you, correct me if I am wrong.
After reading through this whole thread, I am wanting to pop the BV/PR x Sugar Belts next.


Ayahuasca Sugar and Nana Glue x SB — diggin the great outdoors.


Yes pack of deer; female with twins. The area is secure now and will get some pics. Have a few that are absolutely beautiful and the morphology would have the dispensary seeing $$$. I am really looking forward to cloning this out before flowering. I can’t wait to share this with friends!