Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

Well, your dog seems to think they are worth howling about, lol.


I keep getting asked for a Blueberry Strain. I don’t have one. I have a Blueberry Muffin cross I made last summer. There’s some dude that keeps messaging me saying I said Id give him Blueberry seeds lol I


@Carty is my man
Great freaking guy I tell you.
He’s probably to busy smoking a joint right now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


lol that’s hilarious
Yeah I concur and smoke to much and lately drinking a bit more than I should :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: (just beer btw)don’t ever remember a blueberry in the mix.

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If you are tight with Carty, you and I are gonna get along great!
I agree, Carty is a hell of a great guy.
He has this gentle way of persuading you to tweak your grow here, and there.
And, he loves giving away seeds, lol.
Yo @Carty , :heart:U bro.


Yes a truly great guy. @Carty




Looking chill, man. Your plants are looking good!


Sunlight is the best LED I have used so far! I can’t wait!


My Sugar Belts smells like Blueberries I think. More than the DJ Short Blueberry I’ve grown.


@Carty is definitely a good dude! We have some great conversations. I enjoy his writing. He’s way more dedicated to the community here than me. I just don’t have the time lately! Other things have been taking up my time.


Your plants look great! Nice fat big leaves. They’re at that size where they start blowing up fast now it looks like. You going to put them in the ground?


Here’s the tent update from left to right for the first two rows we have Banana Butter Cups x (outdoor males, which I’d have thought mostly it was hit by Sour Bubble, but these plants aren’t showing the dominant indica traits so now I’m thinking maybe something else). I had like 4 males and only 3 females. Actually one is squat and definitely was hit by the Sour Bub. The next row is Sugar Belts and the last row has one Sugar Belts in the back and the rest of the last row are Tropical Fuel.
They’re just starting to get some frost but definitely show signs that I’ve neglected the hell out of them. There hasn’t been much stretch except the Tropical Fuel. The frost and stench is starting to come on now. This is where things start to get exciting.
This run I gave them nothing in veg, a seed sprouted tea at the beginning of flower, one insect frass tea, and a foliar today.
Of yeah and I pulled one herm of the BBC. That thing was stinky! I kinda think it was my fault because I had the lights too bright.
These males this run though of the BBC…. Wow I’ve never seen such big clusters of pollen. They look like they’ll pass on good yielding genetics.


Yes will be getting them in ground shortly! I have a few more that I planted much later going to be hitting the sand too!


Nice those will be impressive I’m sure. I love growing big plants outside.


I have a few buddies who I gifted Ottafish Genetics to and boy are they in love.

Sugar Belts by Mr Fontaine


Wow those look to lean more towards an Indica side. Thats pretty cool! Thats the first SB plants I’ve seen do that. Most stretch and buds are chunky. That one looks like it got hit by Sour Bubble. Were those pure Sugar Belts? F1 or F2?
I learned reading some scientific research you can manipulate growth somewhat through photoperiod length. The just of it was if your getting more leaf to flower lower photoperiod length, if your getting all bud but smaller ones lengthen. The study found that certain plants like different length photoperiods. I remember Bubba Kush was one of them. It wasn’t a big variation mostly
Between 11-14 hrs but I thought it was cool and made sense.


What is your latitude roughly? I find it very interesting that you can manipulate the hrs of daylight and just subtle little changes in lengths give you various combinations of flowering length. The plants are not just one directional in that you can put something at 28 North but it will still flower early because it is at an elevation of say 7000’ or more and gets winter like a persons at say 43 North; the plant has to flower sooner or faster to beat the frost. Plants are very adaptable and bring their own acclimating genes with them. JMO


Lookin like 3 Ayahuasca Purple x Sugar Belts female. Not completely positive but pretty sure. This should be perfect for the tent in 3 to 4 weeks if I can keep them from growing more… topped twice and bent over

This Black Velvet x pablos revenge x sugar belts is for sure female.