OTUG's Space Odyssey 🛸

Thanks @iceman :pray:
The 1 Durban Hercules Bubblegum with half its head chopped off had a huge main bud. Stuck in the corner without enough airflow started molding on me.

Thank you Doug :pray:

:joy: I need to figure out how to upload pics in batches.

Man am I ever lovin the smoke on these I tell ya.
Smell is very subtle, rich amazon rainforest-type earth which transfers through to the smoke along with hints of rich cocoa and coffee. That really savoury umami typaweed :crazy_face:

Those were some nice plants :+1: thanks again.
Really unique smell to them too.

You’re welcome bro :facepunch:
Those ERxPPP are smooth and tasty, with a really strong but pleasantly relaxing indica effect.
I blazed on some last night before bed and had a proper sleep, lol.

:grin: thank you @ShiskaberrySavior
You know firsthand how it is with these “multi strain test runs” lol, especially doing SOG with so many different strains. I still can’t believe all those fit in a 4x4 tent :sweat_smile::rofl:

Thank you @CanuckistanPete :pray:
I had to sift through like 420 photos to find the good ones :joy:

That was the bubblegum leaning pheno of the Durban Herc Bubblegum, denser nugs. Smoked some earlier. Spicy pepper and tiger balm with a sweet fruity bubblegum kick.

Thank you @Floyd :pray:

It was crazy in the end, I would open the tent to water and the colas kept knockin me on the head.

:pray: thank you brother @Budderton , and thank you for tagging @Tlander I checked out his thread :exploding_head: holy smokes.

Hey @Abbbian :grin: where you been? Lol

Thank you @Pigeonman!! :hugs:
That NHS smell and taste like pure haze :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:

Thank you @GrouchyOldMan :pray::pray::relaxed:

Thank you @Tlander :pray:
Glad to see another brother who loves to pop as many OG beans as me :laughing:
I got your message, going to reply shortly :wink:

Oh man, really? Those Zak Haze x JLO were phenomenal :star_struck: great uplifting smoke, had my wife and I cleanin the whole house inside and out :broom: :rofl:
Nose and smoke were a delicious soft floral fruitiness. Very energizing. I smoked it all for 2 days straight and savoured every puff :triumph::triumph::triumph:


Whew lol been a minute since I dropped by brother. All caught up now though. As always, you have things looking just downright gorgeous!


Always awesome to see your updates!



All the PPP crosses I’ve seen seem to have great resin. That ERxPPP is no exception!


Hey @Oldtimerunderground! Thanks, I’ve been around… just a bit less present, that’s all!!
See you!

:hugs: :male_detective:


@Oldtimerunderground heres some shots of your Beyond the Rain x Bubblegum at 3 weeks.


Hey OTUG Yabba Dabba Doo, look what landed today. Wow that’s very generous of you. Thanks my friend. This was unexpected but I love it.


Wow those came out looking amazing, great photos too!

Thanks for capturing the wookie orgasm x bing. They really look the some of the wookie orgasm phenos I grew. Really cool to see those!


Beyond the rain should be really good.


Looking good mate. All the best


Epic as always! Never fails to dissapoint


Thank you @JohnnyPotseed :pray:
Now if only I could grow enough not to run out of bud :joy: lol, already smoked all those plants :rofl:
Thank the Ganja Gods I still have some pounds of outdoor.

Thank you @Andrane :grin: feels good to grow and smoke so many different plants.

Thank you @lefthandseeds :relaxed:
Yeah I’ve grown quite a few different PPP crosses, they’ve all been exceptional.
One of my favs was the solo cup 9lb Hammer x PPP, tasted like lychee! :drooling_face:

It’s all good, glad to know you’re alright :slightly_smiling_face:
How’s things down in Brazil?

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and check out my grow :pray::hugs: or should I say flower show? lol, cause it feels like that’s all I post anymore :sweat_smile: :laughing:
Gonna update this weekend with what I have growing on right now in veg.

Looking fantastic @MonasticDank :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::exploding_head::crazy_face:
Looks like they’re getting ready for a bud explosion :tulip: :boom:

LOL, that was fast! I guess the transporter prototype I’ve been developing worked!
Gonna transport myself with a weed plant next trip to fuse me with it at a molecular level :crazy_face:
Have buds growin out my head :rofl:

You’re most welcome brother, anytime! :grinning:
Thank you for sending them. Those and the Sour Grape from @DougDawson were 2 of my wife’s favourites.

Yeah I really enjoyed that one, some fine smoke on it. I wish the one outdoors didn’t get so fucked up…nature’s way of supercropping for me I guess, lol.

@Wizdom!!! :smiley:
Super excited to see you on here finally my righteous brother! Welcome! :hugs:

I want everyone here to know I can personally vouch for @Wizdom as we’ve traded many times over the years. Great guy, solid as a ten thousand pound boulder. I grew out his Deadhead OG x Stockton Slap earlier in this thread and it was top notch!
You’ll be seeing me grow out more of his stuff in the near future :wink:

Much appreciated @TopShelfTrees1 :pray: I’m flattered :blush:

Yooooooooo, I wish you could’ve sampled some!
Tasted just like a lemon bar with graham cracker crust! :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:
From the first puff it hit me like a rocket train! :rocket: :steam_locomotive: :exploding_head::joy:
BET = Black Snow x Alien OG


Omg that sounds HEAVENLY! Niiiice


You know what’s funny is after smoking some I thought to myself “I bet @TopShelfTrees1 would love this stuff” :laughing:


You definitely nailed that! Lemon and graham happen to be obsessions of mine flavour wise. Always wicked stuff coming out of your garden! Sorry I was Mia for a while had a real shitty month or so, health issues and stupid anxiety made some of August and all of September a nightmare, but I’m finally swinging back to moi


If you need another pack of those, I still have a few left brother. Remind me when I reach out regarding your fall box :v:


Hey! Thanks, things are ok here! Now with a decent president!
:v: :hugs:


@Oldtimerunderground your BTRXBB at day 50
#2 is a victim of some poor watering habits. Sorry for being harsh to your babies. They’re Dense and with a very unique and appealing terp profile. Couple more weeks maybe



This year with my outdoor I grew 20 different types of autoflowers from several OG members.

Only 4 survived and made it to flower.

Ghost Rose x Mi5 @jinglepot

Fog Dog x Big Yeild Mi5 @chronix

Grizzly Grapes x CDLC @BasementBeans

Durban Sunrise @Hydro921

You would never guess the weight I got from these 4 autos!!
All four plants combined when dried came in at a whopping 2 whole grams! :astonished::exploding_head::rofl:
I grinded them all together and smoked it as 2 joints :joy:

Cicada Bug

Sunflower I grew before it broke in half after a heavy storm

Crimson Clover @lophophora.ca

I harvested some of the seeds (meant to put some in that letter I sent you last week but forgot :sweat_smile:, lol, remind me on the next one)

Now for my indoor in the 4x4 I have some Top Gun by Atlas Seeds, Scarlet Sunset by Gas Reaper Genetics, Black Tie by Eazy Daze Cultivators and El Chemi Kiwi by Mephisto, all of these are from @CerebralMeds
Also in the 4x4 are 8 beautiful (Critical Mass x Ginger Alex Blueberry) x Divyder seeds that I have the privilege of testing from @ReikoX thank you again for the opportunity :pray:

Here they are

And in one of my 2x4 tents I have a few different plants going in early flower.

Romulan @jinglepot

Ice Cream Cake S1 x Biker Slush @Budderton

Cobra Lips @Budderton

Eutierria x God Bud @jinglepot

SSDD F2 BX1 @HolyAngel

LavDawg @santero

C99 x Alien OG @lophophora.ca

And in my other 2x4 tent I have 2 Mosca Cherry White F2 from @Mithridate and 11 OG’er Kush from @Gpaw

I flipped the lights a couple days ago. Already chopped 9 OG males, there might still be a few hiding in there.

As for the rest of the outdoor that was damaged by the storm, I managed to prop them back up and most bounced back! :grinning:

Pakistani Chitral Kush @bunny

Before pulling fans off


Garden Huckleberry @Pigeonman

Shinewarp @jessethestoner

ABC Fem @middleman

Purple Satellite x Big Sur Holy Weed @TopicalWave

That’s all for now.
Have a great day everyone :grin:


16 min till more likes. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Looking good as always brother. All the best
