Outdoor Blüte erzwingen

Hallo wisst ihr zufällig wie ich Pflanzen Outdoor in die Blüte zwingen kann
Hatte etwas gelesen das ich einfach einen schwarzen Sack drüber stülpen muss

Kennt ihr noch andere Techniken

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Light deprivation in some manner would be needed. Covering it would work.

If Your Plants are smal enuf ,You can put a Schwarzen Sack over them to shorten the daylight hours to force flowering…you should do it daily(12h/12h) for 2-3 weeks. we did this in the past with the whole Glashouse (not with single plants) and it worked fine. Viel Glück!!

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Herzlich wilkommen beer3|nullxnull , if there’s many Feuchtigkeit where you live that technique could be a problem, plants inside a sack without airflow could develop mould :sweat:. If they are not too big and you have them near your home I would transfer them to pots and daily take them indoors when needed … :sunglasses:

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