Outdoor pest... what is this?

SUPER quality product…I have used Monterey Garden Insect Spray (Spinosad). It’s Organic-rated and only recommends 4 Tablespoons per Gallon (I only use 2). Either way, one can’t go wrong.


I’ll be looking around for it that’s for sure thanks :v:

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I never ended up spraying anything and leaf hoppers have been spotted along the way… they eat some leaves but everything seems to be growing ok.

Just want to show the crazy colours they are changing off this plant! (and the buds which look like they would be delicious to eat).


Leafhoppers come in some crazy colors sometimes, like psychedelic shit haha


Could it be possible they are like flamingos or like chameleons? where the food or whatever it touches changes color? it might be just me but that hoper resembles the color of the flowers and now that think of it my leaf hoppers are light green early in the year and change by he fall, maybe just a different species but interesting… :slight_smile:

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@pjay_dubya Hey what’s the strain called? Looks similar to my pink cookies :v:


it’s from Papaya bag seed… so it could be Papaya crossed with something else. The bud I got it from was very interesting but clearly premature and i assume it hermied too hence the seeds. It was purple bud I remember that, tons of orange hairs on it too, but not dense with a “harvested early” kind of high. If anyone’s grow Nirvana Papaya maybe they had flowers look like this. But it could be a mystery pollination too.

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Leafhoppers don’t damage the plant significantly but introduce virus and other disease.
When potato leafhoppers show up my taters brown up and die 2 weeks later.

Looks like your plants are unaffected.

not sure of the strain unfortunately they were gifted to me as clones and I lost contact with the guy who hooked me up…

I plant one under the dripline of a white pine tree, just for fun. The tree attracts quite a few different wasp species who wage war on other bugs that try to colonize the cannabis. Trippy little aside when gardening.

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