Little grasshopper looking bugs - Identified Leafhoppers

Tonight while i was moving my plants i noticed these little grasshopper looking bugs… Anyone know if its something i should be concerned about or they ok?


Leafhoppers. I know when I was working for a company doing landscape pesticide applications there were occasional outbreaks on trees & shrubs we’d treat but it wasnt a common one we treated for all the time. Id imagine w a big enough infestation theyd do some damage on cannabis. Definitely dont overfeed N, they’ll exploit that.


Quick google of Leafhoppers- looks like they definitely can turn into a problem.


It seems to me to be some of those pesky Miller type bugs see them fluttering all through lawns and stuff when aroused they fly short distances and re hide in the grass.

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Do you mean miners not millers?

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We call them Millers up here a type of moth of sorts.

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Miller moths are light beige colored with no other coloring

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They’re called Froghoppers in the UK.
You can usually see what’s called Frogspit on the stems of grasses and plants.


Ah, cool. I know what youre talking about, just didnt know their name!

Had the exact same thing on my orange goji but my pic is out of focus. Should I be concerned?

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Been reading about something called spinosad gonna try and find some after work today.

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Soap spray will kill leafhoppers if the spray contacts them.

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I have some of these in my one veg area. I’ve literally never seen or heard of these until I saw one and looked it up a while ago. My strategy so far has been to disturb the plants so they come hopping out, then squishing them against the wall lol

I only see one or 2 occasionally so this has been working for now, but there’s always a new one a few days later no matter how many I squash. They’re funny things too, really quick and hard to catch you have to sneak up on them… they actually seem pretty smart.

I’ve come into the room and seen one on top of a leaf and as I approach they sneak under to the bottom lol… sneaky bastards.

I think I’ll blast everything with neem or safers before I move them to my new permanent veg room. Also tbh I haven’t noticed any damage on the plants from them, but I’m sure if allowed to breed profusely they’ll start messing things up.


That is hilarious you are using the same technique as me.

However I’m noticing some munch marks now. So I’m going to need to get more aggressive


Sticky traps hung and put on the medium would be the way to go.
Don’t hurt to shake your girls thou.

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Oh ya I keep thinking to get some and then forgetting. They’re good to just always have around to get an idea of what might be hanging out in your garden. I actually saw a cool tutorial on YouTube for making your own really easily and cheap as well.

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Ya it’s fun eh? Kinda reminds me of whack a mole haha

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I’ve got a plant that I effectionately call Audrey after little shop of horrors.
I don’t even think a mite could crawl away from this gal.
Gnats to wasp to big bullflys, once they lite they’re there for the duration.

Not to be confused with Audrey3


Is it one of those carnivorous plants or something?

It is Holy Smokes Thunder Bud x Swerves unnamed OGK.
Another old breeding from a friend on the west coast.
Some of his beans got sold for the server benefit, good stuff.

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