Outdoor Strains

Hello, recently I was asked about reliable outdoor strains which are able to grow in short and rainy summers of central and northern Europe. I came up with strains that I successfully growed so far, but the list was pretty short.

That’s why I ask the same question here right now. I would like to know every strain who already showed their mold and cold resistance by your own grows. After that I will setup a poll, where everybody can give his votes, so this thread could be seen as a definite guide to cold and mold resistance outdoor strains.

My successful outdoor strains were: Skunk 1, Afghani 1, Shiva Shanti 2 and Green Spirit

  • Skunk #1
  • Shiva Shanti #2
  • Green Spirit
  • Mighty Mite
  • Texada Timewarp

0 voters


I don’t have any outdoor grow experience yet but I will follow along. Will be a good thread but I expect the list is going to be very long!


I have some experience growing outdoors.
My Canadian climate is similar to northern Europe.
There are 2 types of strains to look for in my opinion.

Fast finishers that will be ready for harvest before the cold rainy months arrive.

Normal strains (10 to 12 weeks) with high mold resistance to make it through those cold wet months.

Autoflowers work as well if that’s what you’re into.

There are other things to consider like is the strain a bug magnet. Can the strain withstand some wind. I prefer to keep them short with strong branches.

I’m interested to see what others post as outdoor strains.


I had 2 strains that I got free with an order of other seeds. They were called “king” and “Mand”. They said they were the best outdoor plants for Europe. I could not find much information about them except that they were probably sold in the coffee shops of Amsterdam in 1980s. I hope that helps. Have a wonderful day. :rainbow:


I have to clarify, all strains should be available for purchase.


Hey @engine . I looked in my seed box and I have 3 king and 4 Mand seeds. They have been in the freezer so I am sure they are good. They are not for sale but if you want to try them I will give them to you. :grin: Direct message me with your safe address.


I have to recommend Mighty Mite and Texada Timewarp. Early finishing strains with good results, don’t require a lot of work and resistant to bad weather.


@Gimme5minutes, I would 2nd both these strains are excellent in high humidity climate and very respectable in yield and flowering time outdoor


How about Friesland


Thanks, I have created the first version of the list. Maybe we find other available outdoor strains.

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