Strain suggestions

Looking for some strain suggestions on plants that do really well in hot humid climates. Gets real hot here in the south Might even play around with some landraces. Anyways holler



Are you growing indoors or outdoors?


I’m in the south, outdoor folk were doing lemon hazes this year going by the smell on my walks to the grocery store and my one friends complaint about all the lemon shit on the market(looks and smokes good to me), homie hates lemon.


If I were living somewhere hot and humid a haze or other sativa dominant would be a good choice. The generally looser bud structure would help prevent bud rot and dry faster after a rain.

One negative might be that they take more of a beating in the all too frequent hurricanes down that way. I don’t know how people can live there but it’s getting worse all over.



Not as frequent as you might think, and I live in Florida.


I have some Auto Gambian(African), and AG x Haze that I know would fit the bill…

Can gift you some if you’d like!?



Maybe so but it seems to be getting worse and that’s what all the experts are saying too.

We’re really safe from all sorts of natural disaster shit up here in northern Alberta. No forest to burn down around me. No rivers to flood me out and tornados never get this far north. Haven’t even had a serious blizzard in a few years with less snow every year since we got here 20 years ago.

Did get two heat domes in June tho. My outdoor autos loved it and I could go lie in the hammock in the basement and read or surf the web on my phone to cool off. Did hit 68F down there this last summer tho and that’s the highest I’ve ever seen it get. Only 40F down there now and dry as a popcorn fart.

Bit of an early cold snap here theis last week tho. Hit -33C here but even colder down south in Edmonton where they recorded -41C and -40 is the same in C or F so pretty damn cold.

I get sick in the heat so no way I could live down south even in many parts of Canada. I was in Toronto in '92 and it wasn’t particularly hot but that humidity had me wanting the hell out.

Different strokes tho eh.



Noooo! Heat domes!? FFS that just the media saying it’s hot out. These so called “heat domes” (stupid fucking name btw) are just matching records set in 1900, 1910, 1930’s amd 1970’s. ITS NOT NEW! also the so call “cold” isn’t even breaking records in canada. Oh yea the “floods” aren’t as bad as they were in the 80’s and 90’s. You just hear about it through media fear mongering.


Also, anything Thai, Vietnamese, South African, Hawaiian will grow good for you in the south.


Are these countries producers of Sativa strains that we get at Seedbanks ?


Yes they are all sativa strains. Most have long bloom times and yes you can get them from seed banks. You can also get them through people on this site too.
Strains like Transkei, Durban Poison, Malawi gold, red Congolese from Africa. Vietnamese DeLat. Thai strains I know less of but they grow in hot humid conditions, like purple thai, chocolate Thai. Hawaiian strains such as maui wowie and kona gold, Mexican strains such as Acapulco gold, Oaxaca gold. Also haze strains grow well in hot humid areas


My both hands and arms are open ready for the free seed gifts of these clean strains lol shitz my tent is 72 inches tall lol


Haha, they can grow really tall, the sativas are well known for their stretch. I am growing some Transkei x Durban Poison right now. 14 week flower time. Hopefully I get a male or two for making seeds. :crossed_fingers:


Indoors I grow in the garage I’ve done a few grows but I have a feeling I’ve gotten lucky. Thanks for the offer but I’m a few months out still prolly around April early may it’s starts cranking up around here I’m in Florida the bay it doesn’t end till November so maybe I can get a long flowering one and just tie that girl down lol thanks for the input guys


Curious as well, I think OP and I are very close to one another geographically. I had issues with botrytis indoors this year due to the humidity, cannot imagine doing a run outside where I live unless it was like the Dr. Grinspoon string of pearls cut or something :rofl:


Seconding everyone suggesting a lanky and open structured sativa for sure, but if you were looking for an indica, might I suggest this one? I threw some M33xNL2 from Gas/Swami out in a swamp near me this year to see how they’d do, planted two beds of two females each. No care at all for the season, horrible moisture and humidity and slugs the time or two I checked on them. I think it would have killed almost anything, and in both plots I had one killed by grey mold and another sitting two feet away looking fine. So there’s some powerful mold resistance in there, I saved the rhodelized seeds to try planting in a better spot next year, besides putting down more of the breeder seeds.


You have a lot of options in the usa. Try something merican and boutique like annunaki or twenty20 they both have outdoor breeders and testers it seems.
I know high rh and pm are not always related but heres one
I’m sure twenty20 can find some customer who did a fl outdoor on IG.
Searched for mold
Personally I learned my time is better spent avoiding mass produced seeds from Europe especially autos.
See you next year!


Hows that going by the way ?


I’ll get an update in a little while, just got up from my last graveyards shift nap :sleeping: