Overfed? My best guess. Nope, probably mites. THRIPS, THRIPS THRIPS

Shit, you guys are killing me. yes.

@NEK-Fowldog, I will have to hunt down if we have any in town, will not be holding my breath though.

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That thing in the photo there is a thrip nymph. I use BTK from the hardware store to wipe them out.



For a change, available at Canadian Tire.

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Us canucks are tripping over the stuff lol! Make sure the date on the package isn’t over two years old.

My plants are about a week or two away from harvest window. Got thrips in my clones. I don’t actually need them, will have seeds from all the plants I have. The only thing would be if I find one with a high CBD to THC ratio it would be good to keep that one for clones. Otherwise just run the seeds from that one, a thing I would do anyway. I am not sure if it is worth fighting to get rid of them, I have read that trashing the bunch is the sure way to get rid of them.

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yah trashing them works. I also find that squishing the thrips when they are on small clones works as well. You can run your fingers over the leaves and crush them after 2 weeks they’re dead. Same trick works for aphids. Washing them off good works as well. just other ideas that don’t cost $$$, in case you want to save 'em clones.

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That is what I did with aphids for months, just spent an hour doing it to the cbd plants from the seeds people sent me. I am going to salvage the seedlings, the clones of mine will be gone other than one or two that I find different enough. I could probably keep up with a few plants inspecting them every day. Wish my harvest day was now, but the trics are still clear. I want to get the place bug free before I start my seed run for OG. I don’t want to reduce any hiccups before they get started.

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Problem solved.

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Sooner or later we all deal with them.

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Anybody have some suggestions on how long I should hang off after harvesting my plants (going to have tons of seeds) and starting a new set of plants?

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Awe! Sad you culled them! Thrips are highly manageable if you employ Neoseiulus Cucumeris predatory mites and Orius Insidiosus minute pirate bugs! Both can be bought online, though the latter resides in my garden in the warmer months as well, as I have come to notice!

And I guess a spraying of Nuke Em (Flying Skull organics) would have probably killed most of them in one swipe, but to get every one of them it might still have been best to employ bugs 48rs after Nuke Em, depending on results.

When using Nuke Em (I think Dr Zymes is a similar product), always water beforehand!

I’ve heard it can be a real bitch to obtain these days though, with Russet mite infestations soaring in the US, and those products being just about the only thing working for them (though, in my experience, nuke em did fairly little to combat a russet mite infestation, I tried for 2 consecutive grows before shutting down almost completely, aside from an isolated highly scrutinized clean area veg room), and prices might be rather high for a bottle of Nuke Em. Not that you need it anymore, but for other readers.

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Not too big a deal as I assume I would have trashed most of the clones and only keep one if it was a winner. Otherwise I was guessing I would need to continue with my breeding project. I am sure I will not be short seeds. I did keep the ones I had from the seeds others sent me. Also the one in the foreground is the clone of one plant that is unique one from the cross I did.

Although I will have the seeds from this one I would like to keep it around just in case. I think I could manage battling bugs with these few. If not they can be trashed also. I am going to do a seed run with seeds that are rare enough that I do not want any hiccups growing them


Had really good success with safers 3 in 1 for thrips after trying diatomaceous earth dusted on the leaves, weekly neem oil foliars and a few others things to no avail.
It’s potassium salts of fatty acids and sulfur.

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I do have some Safer’s End All. It is only a part bottle but should be enough for the few plants.


What I’ve noticed is they can only jump or fly so high. If they have to go back up 40 cm to get on the plant, they’ll just hop around and die on the floor. They’re strange creatures! If you hit the plant with your hand they’ll get whipped onto the floor below where you can stomp them.

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ok, here’s my final thrips observations. If a leaf falls onto the floor, any thrips crawling around there will descend on it like a ravenous horde. The next morning you smash the leaf and kill the thrips trying to survive. This suggests that fallen leaves on the floor are actually helping the thrips colony to survive in a hostile world. They are clever! You think it’s just some lame bug, but they try and survive. If one is on the bottom of a leaf and you turn the leaf over, it crawls as fast as it can into a crevice. It senses death coming. Or, it launches into the air, only to land back on the same leaf seconds later. They cannot magically fly forever, in fact they can’t gain any altitude. They can fly to lower leaves or crawl to higher leaves. They are best at launching and landing at the same elevation. I have noticed, they can’t even get to a plant in the next room, they have to crawl there or be transported by a helper monkey, they can’t open doors.

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