Overgrow Auction Fundraiser 2022 Round 3 šŸƒ [closed]

I just dropped by and saw the listā€¦
Quite the haul!!


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Hey lobster new to the siteā€¦ where you from? Upstate ny hereā€¦ yea Iā€™m just growing at multiple properties around the areaā€¦

Welcome to the siteā€¦itā€™s a very unique spot youā€™ve landed on, with tons of good folks and an endless supply of expertise.
If you canā€™t find it with search, just ask, and youā€™ll get pointed in the right direction.
Iā€™m enjoying my first experiences with auto-flower strains. If youā€™re in upstate, and youā€™re not familiar with them, check them out. Us northerners appreciate strains that can finish in time before the hard frosts hit.

Iā€™m in Mid-coast Maine, in the Bucksport area. Iā€™ve been hanging here for about 1.5yrs, I think, and learn more every day.

Every dayā€™s a school day!!!


p.s. Dinosaur is some of the best BBQ Iā€™ve ever had, and Iā€™ve had a lot. I order their Cajun Foreplay spice rub by the case from Amazon :slight_smile:


Yea next time please give some others a chance to outbid you. More than 10 min. would be helpful since some of us are in pain and slower. Thank you much. And welcome to OG!


Unfortunately you have to be aware that there will be plenty of last minute sniping. :wink: :wink:


Yes iā€™m not a fan of that, but such is life.
Maybe next time iā€™ll snipe all of the snipers.


Thatā€™s how you do itā€¦thatā€™s old school eBay tactics!


There were even anti/sniping tools/apps you could use :wink:
Do we have those here?
Kidding-Not kidding :laughing:



I see, thank you for the info.

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Good i will look into that. Thank you.

I find these auctions to be more about OVERGROW and less about the seeds, they are a bonus we get for keeping this train rolling. A great place with great knowledge!


Iā€™ve used-up all my alloted ā€œlikesā€ again.

I totally agree it is about supporting Overgrow. I would donate seeds to the server fund but i donā€™t want them all to go to the ā€œrichestā€ person in the auction. It would be nice if every bidder had a chance.

Probably iā€™m being an idealist.
A lot of what i like about OG compared to RIU, is the sense of community and sharing. And everyone getting to be a part of things.

In my not humble opinion, sniping is un-sportsman-like behavior. Which we have too much of in the world. But if itā€™s accepted, then itā€™s to be expected. And i understand. Iā€™m not trying to ruffle feathers. Supporting OG is a great cause.


I was thinking there would be some serious sniping, but 10 minutes before closing isnā€™t exactly eBay level. I remember someone sniping me with .5 seconds left - burn!


Thatā€™s how I roll on eBay.


post deleated

Hey @hawkman , this auction ended yesterday. There will be another round coming soon.


thought I deleated that post ā€“ as usual came late ! _Peace

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I was going through my seeds yesterday, and realized that I now have mainly Autos, and of those, mostly Fems.
I gave away a bunch of seeds to friends back in Mass, and those were most of my photo collection.
I have one photo growing down near my beds, but no photo pollen to cross it with.
Will have to decide what direction to go in, I guess :slight_smile:

And thatā€™s a GREAT problem to have, right?



These auctions have been fantastic and a fantastic cause, I for one feel blessed t o have won 1 Pack from each round. No sniping just very lucky I guess.
I feel very blessed :raised_hands: overgrow the world!!:v:


I agree with you @Slammedsonoma420 Beans are great but the depth of knowledge and camaraderie here at OG are worth so much more than any one seed. Happy Growing The Doc