Overgrow Auction Fundraiser 2022 Round 3 šŸƒ [closed]

Thanks again for supporting OG!

Most of the seeds will be in the mail on Monday!


Yeah, @jog snipped me :rofl: :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Iā€™m sorry to hear that.
Itā€™s unfortunate there isnā€™t a ā€œ2 or 3 packs maximum per personā€ rule. The current set-up makes the auction far less fun when 1 person can rush in at the last minute and snatch away from many others.


Thatā€™s how auctions work tho. You canā€™t go to a car auction place a bid and leave for a bit. Most of the excitement of auctions happen in the last few minutes
Edit: that sounds kinda rude after reading what I wrote but itā€™s not meant to be. Iā€™m just throwing out there my thoughts on an auction.


I see. Ok then @Kushking902 , i am inexperienced in auctions. So if thatā€™s how the game is played.

And no i didnā€™t think it was rude, you were able to explain in a way that made sense to me by using ā€œcar auctionā€ as an example.


I agree with you @Kushking902 but itā€™s the way I can bid on ALL lots at the last second and I donā€™t particularly like that part and maybe just allow one lot bid per post so u canā€™t bid on all the packs but understand what you mean by the auction but thereā€™s no one at auctions that buy everything unless before the auction itā€™s bought as a whole or estate sale so I love it because itā€™s benefiting us all in the OG community to help pay for the cost of running it so donā€™t be afraid to check out the supporters part of the OG website to help out with yearly fees for letting us have this amazing place to learn n have fun on and itā€™s not anything crazy for donations but not necessary but wanted to let others know that are newer members and like I said both have good points on the auction Happy Growing The Docā€¦ everyone relax and smoke a joint!(thanks for supporting OG @Kushking902 love this community Iā€™m just getting my status back after bank card number was hacked)


Someone did bid on multiple lots but they also tagged everyone and did it with 10 min to go. The only way to really beat the system is to bid high enough to prevent folks from outbuilding you. Snipping is just one of the joys of an online auction.


I outbidded my self once on something I bidded on just for added security. :laughing:
It worked. :slightly_smiling_face:


Indeed. The fact is that many of the packs went for $15 & $20 with free shipping which was a great deal for seeds. Low bids are not the way to avoid snipers :wink:


Iā€™m grateful to give and grateful for the beans in return.

Of the set i bid on my bid was the lowest so thank yā€™all for not knocking me out. :hugs:


You might have to find a cleaver way to keep me out of round 4. Bribes work! Lol

Hey Iā€™m still pissed chronix took away my clean sweepā€¦ curses!

Itā€™s hard to strategically make rules for auctions to keep everyone on an even playing fieldā€¦ they are specifically meant to raise as much as possible for the given charity.


:laughing: :rofl: :smile: :v:

Bring on round 4! :grinning:


Well now that everyone is finding out the casualties of war.
Get your scopes and Rifles ready for next round :wink: :wink: :laughing:


So did Iā€¦it didnā€™t! :clown_face:


I hope you have better luck next time!
I could have easily been sniped at the last minute.
I guess it depends on how bad people want the seeds/how much they want to donate.

I am curious of what seeds are available for round 4.


I logged into this thread to say just this!


A ā€œsoft closeā€ auction would eliminate the sniping and bring the highest price. It might be harder to track without auction specific software. The bid extends for 5 minutes after each high bid. Gets rid of the sniping issue.


I was considering a ā€œsoft closeā€ auction. As you mentioned, I was not sure if it wouldnā€™t add too much complexity and unnecessary confusion. Maybe we could try it for next roundā€¦

Every lot which would receive a bid in the last 5 minutes would have its deadline moved by +5 minutes.

Say auction ends 11:59:59. Bid for lot #11 comes in 11:56:00. Auction deadline for this particular lot #11 is postponed to 12:04:59. Auction for other lots closes at 11:59:59.

What do you think?


I donā€™t think thatā€™s about extra funds.

I think it would add some comfort to those who are really interested in watching their bids right before auction ends. I know that some members were upset because they lost their bid in the last few seconds.


Just an opinion but I think thatā€™s just adding a bunch of work for you Joe. In an auction a person should bid what they are willing to pay. If someone wants to bid low they really shouldnā€™t be surprised if they get outbid at the last second. I guess I am used to being sniped in online auctions.