OverGrow Kush

OK, so I’ve been hearing this rumor that THE OG Kush was never from Florida, was never “ocean grown” in Cali, but instead originated right here on Overgrow. And the OG, is in fact Over Grow. Anyone know anything about this?


We could tell you, but then we would need to banhammer you. :zipper_mouth_face:


I can’t imagine it wouldn’t be common knowledge and discussed more on the site if that were the case.


Your referring to a strain called ogers that came from a member back in the old days of the original site, people have there theories but I was smoking the kush from los Angela’s before the ogers or banana seeds were ever made. There are also a lot of discussions here on the current site about those times and genetics. Kid got the kush cut and started breeding different things and putting beans out there , he is still around just not on here.


If this is not a troll question, then no, OG Kush did not originate here. Refer to @Heritagefarms reply above mine.

As for the OG Kush or Triangle Kush as most now know it as, was found in a bag seed in Florida but the bag came from California. That’s as much as anyone really knows.


OG kush is a chemdawg cross made from the 91 chemdawg by puttz, he in fact did call it ocean grown when asked if it was mountain grown. There were 5 phenos of the origional OG. Ghost, SFV, HA, Larry, and Skywalker OG


presumably chem with an afghani? I’ve always thought the chem theories were a little tenuous… Maybe I haven’t smoked the right chem but I’ve never found it to be extremely similar to og’s.

This is considered to be a nonsense story the ghost is a documented cut from a old online member named ghost who got it from another member from the old site , both people who are still around. The skywalker is a bagseed found and grown by a guy named Luke in the valley The sfv is also a bagseed from the original.
The kush or og kush and the triangle both come from Florida. The herb the seeds were found in was grown in a garage in Florida.
It’s widely known to be a plant called emerald triangle crossed to nevils Hindu Kush which was not actually Hindu Kush but a mix of northern lights.