You post, $1 is donated per OG to OverGrow

Beautiful idea @Heliosphear ! Here’s a thing I’m doing right now…


Great gesture and OG is where it is at. Here are pics of my flower room.


Thanks for donating to this amazing website. One of my favorite places in the World. My life has improved dramatically since I found this place. I love to make seeds and share the strains. Thanks for keeping the light on.


Very generous of you @Heliosphear! Cool idea!
Here’s what I’ve been up to …

Good vibes y’all!


Hey everyone, for those who don’t know me, I’m Draig my Mrs. (Lady Zandra)…also an OG member. We are grateful to have found a most admirable and kind group of growers!.
I started smoking and growing back in the late 70’s guerilla style at a very early age. Unfortunately never had a successful grow in MI with Mexican and Columbian bag seed, obviously… lol …but just watching it grow made an impact that stayed with me

l had to give up when i decided to join the military… it wasn’t unti later in life, after I had a neck injury, now degenerative (We grew for my chronic pain.) at 40… in early 2000’s I reunited with our beloved plant and have been growing and breeding ever since…

Thank OG community and @Heliosphear ey everyone, for those who don’t know me, I’m Draig my Mrs. (Lady Zandra)…also an OG member. We are grateful to have found a most admirable and kind group of growers!.
I started smoking and growing back in the late 70’s guerilla style at a very early age. Unfortunately never had a successful grow in MI with Mexican and Columbian bag seed, obviously… lol …but still was a fun experience

l had to give up when i decided to join the military… it wasn’t unti later in life, after I had a neck injury, now degenerative (We grew for my chronic pain.) at 40… in early 2000’s I reunited with our beloved plant and have been growing and breeding ever since…

Thank OG community and @helosphear for your generosity!!


Love the idea, so I figured I’d participate and let you raise your donation another dollar on my behalf.


Hello, my name is Yeti and I admit I have a problem…

Wrong group?


This is very generous of you @Heliosphear, thanks for doing this to keep our favourite site running smoothly. I am proud to be a part of this community and to share my growing highs and lows with all of you here on Overgrow.


I really like this place.
The people are great.
The plants are great.
A little oasis of humanity, with my favorite thing, and probably yours as well if you’re here, as the central theme.

This is the most fun I’ve had had on the internet since a long, loooong time!

Thank you for doing this @Heliosphear,


69 OG’s give a buck for the OverGrow community, Thank you.

Every dollar is important to the present and the future, to those who already give what they can thru patreon, Thank you for sharing with every OG.

Another $25 dollars from a fellow old school Trichome Farmer has been added to the donations, bringing the total up to $445.

Thank you to every OG for sharing, being helpful and showing the world everyday… kindness is our strength. Thank you for your praise’s and thanks, seeing the community thrive, grow and communicate world wide, makes this old gardener smile.


Good humans here. Happy to give a post of support


Good for you, man. Totally cool thing to do!


Okie dokie

Needless to say, it is amazing to be able to grow and control the medicine we use and sharing the adventure along with being able to give some seeds to everyone is an added bonus :+1:

Much love :evergreen_tree: :green_heart: :evergreen_tree: Overgrow The World!!!


Very nice thread @Heliosphear so I’ll throw in a post to throw in a buck too.

I don’t have an active journal going atm but should get another one going soon.

I’ve been involved with pot since I smoked my first joint at age 14 way back in '69 in Vancouver. Had grown a few bagseeds here and there but never had buds until '78 when I grew some long enough to bud under T-12s down in a dirt basement of a rented house in Calgary. Folks would laugh at them now but they were a hit with all my stoner friends at the time.

These days I live in northern Alberta and have all sorts of things going on with indoor and outdoor projects. A pollen chucker for the last 20 years and just recently getting more serious about breeding and making fem seeds with STS.

Must go now and order the new grow tent I’ve had my eye on for some time whilst it’s still on sale as my little 2x4 is getting much too crowded.



Awesome… a dollar for the cause … and all I have to do is post… very cool @Heliosphear … so I’m 45 a self taught drummer from Illinois… I’m growing mostly for my wife who is on the medical marijuana card here in illinois… I bought way too strong of equipment for a new grower and have been struggling lol… but… I’m getting there… very close to lining it all out now… with the help of several friends @ifish@Papalag @ShiskaberrySavior @lefthandseeds to name just a few… I’m learning this much faster than if I never made it to this great place… I appreciate people like you keeping this place going for real because people like me would be lost in the plethora of potlore on the web… thank you for supporting man! I can’t wait to get a grow in and do the same… I assure you and the rest of OG… I definitely will be giving back… I honestly can’t wait! OVERGROW THE WORLD!!! :green_heart:


We are all unique, each of us are all walking the same path. The search is constant, thirst for knowledge always takes time to quench. Every OG contributes to the community by being a member, we support each other every day and celebrate success together constantly.

I’m not growing, smoking medical cannabis from the exspencery and focusing on family. Economically speaking, everything is bad, getting worse and my current view is that it will take many years for things to get better for any human to live instead of just surviving. I am working on a story where a small group of people find the OverGrow server 420 years from now after the self inflicted mass extinction of the human race. They use the knowledge found to grow organic, hydroponic, food and medicine, changing the coarse of humanity…

What is the future of the OverGrow community? The same for all of us, unknown.

Do you give a buck? You post using your most precious resource… personal time. It turns into support for the OverGrow community to continue moving forward. To the 74 OG’s that have already supported this fundraiser, your donation has been made. Thank you. Your stories of living, caring, sharing, growing and giving, helps us all understand what it means to be alive.


Really cool idea @Heliosphear , thanks. Not only did you donate but also facilitated users getting to know a bit more about each other. Was really interesting.


Thanks for doing this @Heliosphear
What a unique way of contributing and making us all feel a little part of the spirit of OG.

First tried my hand at growing about 12 years ago it didn’t go bad but didnt go great. got more serious into it when it got legal up here in Canada unfortunately my garden is a mirror image of my health lol some days are good some days are better. This place has been a great source of information and encouragement not just for growing but life as well. peace, love and happiness my friends.


Thank you for your generosity @Heliosphear

I am not sure how I missed this post, but here we are!
I am still fairly green in terms of cultivation but have been really fascinated by how each member on here that has imparted knowledge has their own unique spin on techniques best practices. This place is so full of knowledge, and it holds a special place for me, because it was somewhere where no matter what time of day or night, especially in the dead of winter when I was up with my wife and newborn, I could find someone on here giving away knowledge and seeds.

I am so glad I found this place, and am thankful for everyone on here!

positive vibes all around